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Faith and Free Will

Ruth Nahmias
Settembre 16, 2020
Mi piace 2 Commenti Condividi

As we approach the end of 2020 and get ready to start the new kabbalistic year (on the New Moon of Libra, September 18th), we are still dealing with the most important astrological aspect of the year, which will influence decades to come: Jupiter conjunct with Saturn at zero degrees in Aquarius on the 21st of December, 2020. And this celestial force will push the “reset” button for the world.

This is the most important astrological transit of the year. It marks the beginning of a new 200-year cycle. The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is 20 years long, but the Jupiter-Saturn elemental cycle (fire, earth, air, or water) is approximately 200 years long. The current Jupiter-Saturn cycle started in 1802 and is an earth cycle. This earth cycle has been connected to the industrial revolution and capitalism. The current earth cycle will end on December 20th, and a new elemental cycle will begin on December 21st of this year in the element of air.

This is big. Very BIG!

The energy will shift from earth (related to material values and money) to air (related to intellect, information, and communication). And that’s just the beginning. Pluto will also enter the sign of Aquarius in 2023, so in the coming years, we will witness a profound transformation of the world and society. BIG changes are happening, which we all need because change is a part of life.

This year, we have learned that there is no security; we are navigating in rough water, and nothing has gone according to plan. But when we look at this year more closely, we understand that nothing has been random. The chaos, pain, and rage that we all went through have pushed us out of our comfort zones, made us think outside of the box, and ask questions we would never ask in a normal time.

The planetary alignment is pointing to a higher purpose. Just as our ancestors survived wars, destruction of infrastructure, and the collapse of financial markets, we will survive this difficult spiritual time, too, and move out of it stronger than ever. This is the test of faith and free will.

We’re just ahead of a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction that will change the face of the world. To understand this planetary combination, let’s first understand who Saturn and Jupiter are. Saturn is one of the seven traditional celestial bodies at the border of our solar system (there are ten in total). Saturn represents maturity and wisdom, the great teacher. Some of Saturn’s keywords are rules, discipline, patience, and responsibility. Saturn wants us to grow up!

In Greek methodology, Saturn was Jupiter’s father. So there is a correlation of father-son with this conjunction. There is the father who wants to teach the son and the son who wants to be independent. Saturn is the bridge between heaven and Earth. There is a spiritual quality to Saturn that relates to order, and there is an order in the universe. Things don’t happen randomly; luck is not random. Saturn is our first “taste” of the universe beyond the physical boundary.

Saturn represents faith and Jupiter freedom, free will. Jupiter is associated with expansion, growth, pushing boundaries, and taking risks. This is a reminder that we are part of a greater order. There are spiritual rules in the universe, but we have the free will to connect to them or not. This is the meaning of this conjunction in December of 2020 and why it resets the free will in the world. We cannot havethepromise of total spiritual freedom unless we learn how to deal with the spiritual rules of the universe first. So, the question is: How will our own free will adapt to the higher will of the universe?

We have to create the opening ourselves. This is Saturn in Aquarius—the spiritual responsibility is given to the people! It’s in our own hands to make our destiny right. We are entering a time when we will need to be integrated into a higher will. Saturn is the gateway to this higher energy. Saturn in Aquarius is not about finding the “right” system or the “right” path. It is about creating a new way to communicate with the Light, with the universe, by accepting this new responsibility.

Ultimately, Saturn in Aquarius is about acknowledging the value of humanity, unity, and working together as “human beings.” Governments will continue to rule over society and infrastructure, but now, thanks to Saturn in Aquarius, conjunct with Jupiter in Aquarius during December, we will have to rethink everything.

Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals—every single one of us—contributes to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans, and other living beings from a place of love and care.

This is not just a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction (although, a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction alone is an extremely important event). This is a new era.

Chodesh tov and happy kabbalistic New Year!

