Finding Balance in the Extreme
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Finding Balance in the Extreme

Miriam Ashkenazi
Ottobre 15, 2020
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“Scorpio is a water sign, but in Kabbalah, the sign is also very closely associated with fire. Scorpios are a living paradox: Water is the symbol of sharing and mercy, while fire is the symbol of judgment.” — Rav Berg, Kabbalistic Astrology

In the month of Scorpio, we are all affected by the opportunities and the challenges this energy brings. On the one hand, we have the potential to see things through, to get to the bottom of issues, and connect to the deeper truth without fear. And on the other hand, the month presents our daily reality with the potentially extreme energies of good versus bad, love versus hate, or renewal versus closure.

Extreme emotions are one of Scorpio’s most popular elements—one that we should all strive to keep in balance and work with in the upcoming month. So much of what is happening in the cosmos this month is a representation of the sign’s typical highs and lows. In this year specifically, we need to learn how to hold tight and navigate through these potentially extreme shifts of energy.

Let’s start with the first day of the month, October 19th—the day when we plant the seed for the entire month. There are three different conflicting aspects in one day! Those aspects come to teach us that we should prepare for the long run, speeding up processes in our lives, and gearing up for the end of 2020 when the shift of energy will be much stronger and obvious in the world. At the same time, as much as we want to plant a positive seed on this day and take it all in, we are also encouraged to avoid biting off more than we can chew. So, the month starts with a note telling us that patience and readiness are required.

In the first week of the month, we experience an incredible opportunity that can impact our finances and relationships. Venus is aligned in a positive aspect three times this week, with the three powerhouse planets—Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. This week can awaken kharmic opportunities for closure or for starting something new. An opportunity can also evolve into great profit, especially if we take the route of commitment and long term investments.

When the sun enters into the sign of Scorpio on October 22nd, we want to reconnect to the most powerful gifts that this month provides us. The best spiritual advice that we can connect with in this month is to not repress or hide strong feelings. There is always a danger that they could turn into passive-aggressive behavior or obsessions that come back to haunt us. Being open and real, and allowing our true selves to shine, without fear of losing control or being seen in an unfavorable light is one of the elements we want to work on in the month of Scorpio. Remember that the energy of Scorpio has the potential to reach the highest of the high and the lowest of the low without fear.

On November 3rd, Mercury gets ready to end retrograde motion and move into direct motion. In astrological terms, it’s called a “standstill.” On this day, when Mercury—the planet of technology and communication—stands still, there is an obvious potential for technological delay and difficulties and communication complications. On that day, Mercury is also aligned in a challenging aspect to the three planets that control social economic powers. This is a day when we’ll want to send a lot of positive energy into the universe and into our world, and meditate to shift the potential disturbances. Use all of your spiritual arsenal to shift the scale and overcome any negative cosmic influence.

Towards the end of the month (November 12th), we’ll encounter another extreme change from potentially low energy into the highest. We are experiencing the last conjunction of the year between Pluto and Jupiter, which signifies large scale achievements and the potential to manifest something good in a big way. It is really up to us!

The most powerful news of this month is that on November 13th, Mars moves direct again! After four months of having our hands tied, being encouraged to not act, and to restrict, Mars the warrior, the fire, is lighting up again and encouraging us to make things happen and move things forward. (This is really good news for those who have strong Aries energy in their chart—sun, moon, ascendance, midhaven.)

As you can see, this is a potentially stormy month, which requires a lot of patience and balanced energy in order to take part in making a shift in our more challenging cosmic times and connecting to the more positive cosmic opportunities of this month.

Have a great month, everyone!
