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The Freedom to Choose

Kabbalah Centre
Novembre 13, 2020
Mi piace 2 Commenti Condividi

When thinking of Sagittarius, the image that comes to mind is a tall, gorgeous horse—wild, strong, running fast in an open field with the wind blowing in his mane. As he runs through the fields and mountains and rivers, he is as free as can be and manages to escape from any person who tries to capture him. He only stops when he wants to and then continues to ride, always looking to explore new places and have new adventures.

Imagine being that horse: feeling free, running to achieve our dreams, running to learn more and explore more, knowing exactly who we are and what we are capable of and that no one can stop us or put us in a cage. That is Sagittarius energy, ruled by planet Jupiter and known as the ‘lucky’ one.

The miracles of the Maccabim happened this month. A small group with no military experience won against a large, professional, and very well-equipped army. And yes, we need that energy! With Mars going direct and still in the sign of Aries, we are ready to shoot forward.

It is as if that horse was tied up for a long time, limited, and obeyed orders he didn’t like. And now he can run in the open field, knowing exactly where he wants to go and that he has the power to get there.

Mars is moving forward, releasing all that is stuck. It prepares us for the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn at zero degrees in the sign of Aquarius on Dec 21st. Aquarius energy is an advanced technology that opens many doors for us as it gets us closer to feeling “no time, space, or motion.” Humanity needs this kind of mind over matter.

The sun and moon in Scorpio sextile (harmonic aspect) to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are signs of strength and commitment. They are goal-oriented, power-driven, successful, and manifest what they want. When these signs sextile, they both use their positive traits, which gives us the power to move forward and finally manifest a few of our goals.

After a long period of reflection, we can make decisions that will move us forward, not only as a temporary release but as a way of moving forward to our next level. Use this time wisely, challenge yourself to do better, and don’t settle for less. This is the time to do the things you love and enjoy doing.

Venus in Libra squares (a disharmonic relationship) the same planets—Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn—which can get frustrating because the horse is riding fast, aiming to meet his goal, and not necessarily paying attention to the people around him. Remember to include others. Let go of those who don't help you grow and strengthen relationships with the people you care about.

Don’t waste energy on the same old things that take you nowhere.

The wind is changing. In the past year, we’ve had to grow up. The Creator didn’t leave us any choice. We are different people now. Some of us went through major changes, while some more moderate, but we all changed in some way. We are not the same people who took on outside pressure that led to anxiety. Now we are ready to make our own decisions, knowing the power we hold to move forward.

Sagittarians are optimistic and love to see life as a game with challenges that are fun to overcome. The energy of this month will help us change how we see life. We will no longer settle for being told how to live; now, we can choose how to live. Remember, whatever comes our way has a tendency to resolve itself.

Wishing you a month full of miracles and growth.
