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In Search of Truth

Ruth Nahmias
Novembre 26, 2019
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Sagittarius is the last fire sign of the zodiac. This month brings the energy of sharing wisdom. In their quest to find eternal truth, Sagittarians goes above and beyond. Think of it like this: if Aries is the sparkle of life and Leo is creativity, then Sagittarius is a wildfire — the flame of wisdom and truth. 

"This month brings the energy of sharing wisdom."

Clarity is the central theme of this Sagittarius New Moon and this month we can already feel the energy of the coming year. It is the time when you get crystal clear about what you want to achieve. Many people jump straight into action, without spending due time on understanding the big picture and creating a clear vision. This month, we will be better off doing what Sagittarians do best: dream big! You may realize you don’t love your job or something else in your life; you may be shocked, wondering why you haven’t seen it all these years. Or you may realize that you love your job and, in fact, you are really invested in what you’re doing. Those moments of clarity are due to the Sagittarius energy this month. Once you know where you are, you can make a decision — to do or not to do, to stay or to go. When you make up your mind, you can truly commit. And it’s only when you truly commit, that you can move forward with your life. This month gives us the gift of “commitment,” to truly commit to the real you. 

"Get crystal clear about what you want to achieve."

On November 24th, a few days before the New Moon, Venus is conjunct with Jupiter at 28° Sagittarius. This is the five-star transit astrologers and astrology enthusiasts around the world have been waiting for all year. It’s the most anticipated of all minor transits, since it portends love and money, harmony and happiness. There is no need to struggle. This is a time to enjoy the benefits of the good karma accrued from your previous good deeds and hard work. And it will last for a few more weeks.

This New Moon in Sagittarius heightens our quest for knowledge and truth. Sagittarius represents the spiritual seeker, looking for life’s truths. Sometimes the biggest truths are the simplest truths — inescapable, undeniable, and pure. 

Sagittarians are optimistic and trust life. They know that new things can be thrilling, but also dangerous if we do not know what is about to happen. This New Moon will assist in building certainty that we are creating a positive future with the right consciousness.  
