More Than a Feeling
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More Than a Feeling

Monica Berg
Giugno 15, 2023
Mi piace 6 Commenti Condividi

In one of this year's most celebrated Superbowl advertisements (titled "Saving Sawyer"), a motley, floppy-eared dog bonds with his family through a colorful, smile-filled montage. The ad–accompanied by emotional music, of course–carries the viewer through several emotions. We are sad when Sawyer is left gazing out a rain-splashed window as his people leave for the day. We're anxious when he then proceeds to shred clothes, break lamps, and chew up the remote, among other things. We feel trepidation as the family then orders a crate from Amazon (remember, this is an ad). Yet those negative feelings dissolve into joy and relief as we learn that the crate is not for Sawyer, but rather for a new puppy who will keep him company. 

And with a final shot of the two furry friends curled up on a bed, we feel relieved. Blissful, even. We have changed, somehow, because we have personally connected with a family's story and experience through emotion. That's because feelings connect us to a part of our shared humanity, not to mention to ourselves. A recent study from Kantar showed that ads eliciting strong emotions in consumers are a whopping four times more impactful than those based on information alone! 

As we enter the month of Cancer (Tammuz), feelings move into the spotlight, along with a tremendous opportunity for personal growth. This month invites us to tap into the emotional aspect of our nature… to tune into the messages our feelings are trying to convey. From there, we’ll learn more about where action is needed most to bring positive change to our lives.

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