Patience with the Process
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Patience with the Process

Ruth Nahmias
Febbraio 22, 2020
Mi piace 2 Commenti Condividi

The wild ride of 2020 continues this month with this New Moon of Pisces. Pisces represents everything in life that is beyond egocentric control. In kabbalistic astrology, each sign has a surrounding energy and an inner energy. For example, Pisces is a water sign (surrounding energy) and has air as inner energy, so Pisceans are the most intellectual of the water signs. Since the dawn of our existence, we have searched for answers about where we come from, where we are going, and what our karma (or tikkune) in this world is. We do our best to navigate the currents, learn more as we go, and slowly add pieces to the immense puzzle of life. However, as we become more conscious and grow spiritually, we perceive there are yet deeper layers to the universe. Through Pisces and the energy of this New Moon, we can go through those layers and connect to our soul’s purpose, while acknowledging our limitations. Water represents emotion. More broadly, it represents the forces of compassion and mercy, available throughout this month. Water is the place to go (mostly!) when you close your eyes, when you want to feel good. Water isn’t negative. It is the soul of life.

In recent years, we have watched the powerful movement of slow-moving planets as they enter new signs. Pluto, Uranus, and more recently Jupiter, moved into Capricorn. In the backdrop of this unique and powerful configuration, an equally dramatic development occurred whenNeptune progressed into its own sign of Pisces for an extended period of approximately 14 years. In a world already shaken by natural disasters and socioeconomic unrest, our desire to transcend illusion and reveal the truth becomes not just a spiritual quest but a matter of survival for all. With Neptune moving into Pisces, humanity is possibly confronted with one of its most serious existential crises ever; and with the stakes so high, along with a paralyzing sense of insecurity, this transit renders us humble and disarmed as we stand unsheltered from the facts of the truth.

The Neptune in Pisces transition, along with the other slow-moving planets, created (and will continue to create) a fundamental change in our lives, both personally and collectively. But the big change happening this month of Pisces is a spiritual change. This New Moon offers us the opportunity to navigate those strong currents and clear out the accumulated clutter of our minds, ultimately bringing more simplicity and authenticity to our lives. As Pisces is dissolving borders both physically and emotionally, the question arises: are we prepared to have all that we know washed away by this tremendous energy of water this month?

This month we will see a new cycle of Mercury retrograde! Mercury in Pisces begins a three-week retrograde cycle on February 16th, lasting until March 9th. Then, Mercury will pick up again in Pisces March 16th through April 10th. By now, you know the drill—double-check everything: your health, your thoughts, your passwords. Keep track of your belongings; make sure you heard everything right, and don’t make assumptions.

One the plus side, Mercury retrograde in Pisces is excellent for creative exploration, romance, a spiritual retreat, or an escape from the pressures of everyday reality. Mercury retrograde in Pisces can reveal where we have lost control or wasted time, and where we have been blinded by illusion, deception, or misinformation. These transits can better define what’s real or what’s solid and what’s not.

This New Moon of Pisces gives us the ability to take a break from our overactive mind and reactive system. Give yourself something kinder and gentler that offers comfort to your soul. This is the month to ask the divine for a sign and be patient with the process.

Happy New Moon of Pisces!
