Uniting for Pittsburgh
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Uniting for Pittsburgh

Kabbalah Centre
Ottobre 30, 2018
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Dear Community,

By now most of us are aware of the tragedy that occurred in Pittsburgh, PA on Shabbat morning this past weekend. Many of us spent the morning in our own synagogues for Shabbat services, unaware of the tragedy unfolding in a similar sacred space. This act of violence and the recent acts preceding it are a reminder of what hate can achieve when it goes unabated. But like all actions meant to divide, they carry within them an opportunity to unite. We offer our prayers to the community of Pittsburgh, as they mourn their loved ones and begin the difficult process of healing. We pray for a quick recovery of those injured and the emotional healing of a shattered community. We pray for the end of all violence, bigotry, and hatred.

For decades, The Kabbalah Centre communities across the world have been a beacon of hope and unity, of compassion and tolerance, but the recent events are a reminder of how much more must be done. Many centres will be holding vigils before or after Zohar connections this week and the Zohar Project will be hosting a “First Responders: Zohar Project Tour” to spread consciousness in Pittsburgh. Please check with your local centre for more information about how you can get involved.

May our spreading of love and light help bring healing during this time.

Love and Light,

Karen & Michael Berg
