A Return To The Heart
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A Return To The Heart

Ruth Nahmias
Maggio 21, 2020
Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

This New Moon of Gemini brings two important astrological events: the nodes of the moon switch signs (the North Node moves into Gemini, and the South Node moves into Sagittarius) and Venus retrograde in Gemini will come with important changes and developments.

The nodes of the moon will stay in Gemini and Sagittarius until January of 2022. The lunar nodes are the only astrological bodies that move backward, not only when in retrograde, but always. Because of their backward movement, the South node is associated with our past lives, karma, and destiny; while the North Node is connected with the opportunity to change our karma and rewrite the script of our destiny. The lunar nodes only change signs every 18 months, so it makes sense that when the nodes change signs, our lives change, as well. And our lives are currently changing in big ways!

Gemini is the air of the air signs—external air energy and internal air energy. Gemini is curious and light-hearted, so this month, we will all lighten up a bit. This is the month that is associated with communication, and integration of the physical and spiritual dimensions. We will experience profound changes in the ways we communicate.

Venus in Gemini is retrograde now. Venus goes retrograde only once every 18 months, more rarely than any other planet. In fact, Venus retrogrades roughly seven to nine percent of the time. The less frequently an astrological event occurs, the more important it is. As Rav Berg always said, “less is more.” Every eight years, Venus retrograde returns to the same sign. The last time Venus was retrograde in Gemini was in the spring of 2012.

Venus in Gemini retrograde has a big role. We can expect “aha” moments, important announcements, spiritual breakthroughs, and more clarity and understanding on how to move forward. This is the time to open your mind and your heart to the universe, listen to your intuition, and look for signs. It is a time of introspection and reassessment. If you allow it, the universe will guide you.

With Venus retrograde in Gemini, your life will be transformed to an extent you never thought was possible, bringing a rebirth of the heart.

It’s no coincidence that Venus is retrograde between 40 to 42 days. Those numbers are sacred numbers in many religions and are usually associated with completing a cycle. Venus retrograde helps us see the reality for what it is, a guide back to our hearts.

You can only become a better version of yourself when you open your heart, have some honest introspection, and explore your deepest needs and motivations. This is what Venus retrograde assists with.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

You can have some great achievements this month. The universe says, YES!

Chodesh tov, to all!

