Rosh Hashanah, A Year to Remember
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Rosh Hashanah, A Year to Remember

Kabbalah Centre
Ottobre 17, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Kabbalah students from around the world gather together each year to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. This year nearly 2,500 students made their connection in New York City with the unified intention of removing chaos from our lives and from the world. For the 2nd year in a row, a generous donor covered all of the costs for services, giving more students a chance to attend. Over a dozen countries were represented, including Russia, Mexico, London, Israel, and the Philippines.

This was a great year to experience the talent of our community. Whether purchasing spiritually inspired gifts at the art fair or starting each morning with Yoga and Kabbalistic Breathing Meditations, there were several opportunities to create a unique connection or even try something new. 

With much anticipation, Karen Berg, Founder of The Kabbalah Centre, released a memoir Two Unlikely People to Change the World. Telling the moving story of The Rav and Karen’s journey to each other and bringing Kabbalah to the masses, it is a powerful way to connect to and appreciate the lineage of this wisdom. 

This year had something for everyone and Karen’s memoir further brought on a sense of family among all. It was a time to remember and may this energy stay with you for the whole year.
