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Spiritual Companionship

Kabbalah Centre
Dicembre 15, 2015
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

When you want to connect to the Light of the Creator, do you a) retreat from the external world, get quiet, and try to focus inward or b) seek out positive communities where you will find others with a similar desire?

Actually, neither answer is wrong. There is a great deal of peace that can be found in solitude. However, The Kabbalah Centre teaches that significant spiritual growth can be found in connecting with others.

We all need companionship to thrive. The emotional support we receive from others through conversation, laughter, or even a hug is irreplaceable. Our circle of friends and family are often where we can find such support. It is important that our souls find the same kind of connection so we can continue to grow and transform.

Not all friends make good spiritual companions. Some are great company on a road trip, at an office party, or while window shopping. Yet, a spiritual companion is someone who can challenge you to grow, who sees your highest potential, and nudges you kindly to get you there. These are the people you can count on to help you keep your ego in check and stay true to yourself. They are there in a crisis just as quickly as they are there to cheer you on and celebrate your achievements.

The Creator sends us possible spiritual partners from time to time. But despite how important these people are in our lives, it can be easy to overlook them. Sometimes it is very clear when you have met someone who will play a significant role in your personal development. For instance, teachers and mentors are obvious choices. Yet, a spiritual partner may enter your life as an acquaintance or even a complete stranger. Be open to the potential that others have to awaken Light within you. It could be exactly what you need to take you to the next level in your spiritual growth.

It is important to remember that our spiritual companions are a key component of our transformation . The truth is we gain insight, strength, and Light from others that we cannot possibly find on our own. When we truly connect to someone, our soul connects to their soul; we are stronger together than we are apart. As Michael Berg points out, “To the degree that we are separate from others, we are separated from the Creator.”

No man is an island. We are meant to connect with others to help us get through life transitions, make changes, and deepen our spiritual practice. They are a source of Light in each of our lives. “When we do invest our love in another person,” says Michael Berg, “and if that friend reciprocates with an equally selfless love – the Creator will set aside everything else to come and assist us.”

Take a moment to identify the people in your life that make up your spiritual support network. Who are the people who compassionately challenge you to live better and be better? Who are the people who remind you to stay true to yourself? Nurture these relationships. They will open channels of Light in your life and likely you will do the same for them.
