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Know Your Value

Kabbalah Centre
Maggio 2, 2019
Mi piace 4 Commenti Condividi

Taurus, controlled by planet Venus, is the second sign of the Zodiac. In The Book of Formation, Abraham calls the planet Venus the planet of Light. And if you are a Taurus or you know a Taurus in your life, you know they are usually pleasant people who often prefer to see the good, and not the bad. They usually have a lot of patience — it takes a long time to make a Taurus upset. In fact, a lot of time they can remain indifferent to situations. In order for them to keep the peace, they are willing to experience humiliation or contempt .

"How do we turn on the Light in this month?"

Taureans are loyal and practical; you can always rely on them to come up with a great solution. If you are lost and you don’t know what to do, talk to a Taurus. They will calm you down and find a practical solution to your problem. Most of the time, they are optimistic, secure, strong, and confident — exactly like a bull eating grass slowly, with nothing to rush them, and feeling like life is beautiful.

A Taurus is good with money, as material gain is very important for them. If they don’t have the material they need, they can become insecure, or obsessive over what belongs to them. You won’t want to take anything from a Taurus without his permission. If you do, prepare to see the bull coming at you.

Taurus is a sign that can potentially have it all. And in this month, we have the potential to have it all, as well. And yet, kabbalistically, it is a negative time in the universe. In the book of formation Abraham talks about klipat noga, the shell of Venus, or the dark side of Venus. The idea is that you have the potential to achieve great things and have abundance, but you need to earn it! We can remove darkness by turning on the Light.

And how do we turn on the Light in this month?

Venus is the only one of the inner planets that rotates clockwise; all other inner planets rotate in a counter clockwise motion (when viewing from above the sun’s north pole).

When it orbits clockwise it orbits from left to right. Left is negative, representing judgment. And right is positive, or mercy. What does this mean?

"We are all part of the Creator."

In order for a Taurean to gain peace, they like to compromise and avoid confrontation.

Complacency is always correct in their position. If they don’t want to deal with something, they will pretend it doesn’t exist, under the impression that if they will ignore the problem it will go away.

It appears as if they don’t have ambitions or dreams. But, this is not true. They simply settle for what they have. Those born under Taurus need to take themselves out of the bubble they put themselves in, and risk comfort in order to move forward. Rav Berg often said Taureans are like kids who hide under a blanket even when it is safe, because they don’t want to get up to see if there is anything else out there.

Taurus is about values; many time a Taurus will be confused, thinking that if they have material things it means that they have values. Our work in the month of Taurus is to KNOW that we have values no matter how much money we have, how big our house is, or what car we are driving. Values have nothing to do with material possessions!

Know your values. We are all part of the Creator, and the physical world will not dictate who we are.

South node in Capricorn squares Venus, the planet that rules Taurus. This will require us to connect to our true desires, not what society expects us to want. It will require us to work with our values and not think about what we need to do or have in order for people to value us. We need to go though an emotional process (north node in Cancer) so we can get there. This means feeling the pain of rejection and being okay with it. Think, “I’m still loyal to who I am regardless of whether someone values me.”

Going from the darkness to the Light this month will offer us potential to have it all in money, love, and health. The planets in Taurus will not do the job for us. But, they will help us raise our consciousness to know that we need to make the effort. Rav Berg explains that during a New Moon, the moon is empty. This means the vessel is empty and we have the potential to fill it with whatever consciousness we have. This month, don’t settle for less. If you are ready to work, ready to feel and know who you are, you will know your value!
