The Elements of Control
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The Elements of Control

Kabbalah Centre
Ottobre 27, 2019
Mi piace 2 Commenti Condividi

After hard work in the month of Libra — a month in which we connected to a higher level of consciousness — we are now coming back down to Earth to begin a deeper transformation. We are now changing from people who feel controlled by “coincidence” to people who can decide how life should be. 

"Scorpios have tremendous desire..."

Scorpios have tremendous desire, investing their heart and soul in what they do. And this month we can access that power. This month, we can decide who we are, as opposed to who others think we are. We decide what we want, and are not influenced by what other people want us to want. We can see the naked truth about ourselves and our surroundings. It might not be easy, but if we set an intention, we will be able to handle it.

Scorpios can see everything and they don’t leave any stone unturned until they will get what they want. The question is, what do we want? If we want power over others, many times we will find ourselves without control. But if we aim to simply control ourselves and our own reactions, we will see how much more control we can have. Trying to manipulate situations in order to make things go our way will leave us frustrated. But when we trust and let go, we will see how things miraculously turn for our benefit.

This month we can use the power of passion, charisma, and strength to tap into a greater ability to go with the flow of life. We may even find we have greater intuition, wit, generosity, and depth. Rachel the Matriarch was a Scorpio. Her strength enabled her to overcome hurt, jealousy, betrayal, and disappointments. This strength is ours to use this month.

"All the potential is in this month."

With the sun and moon in Scorpio (four degrees) opposite of Uranus in Taurus (four degrees), the intense emotions of Scorpio and the disconnected energy of Uranus have the power to release us from past traumas and heal. Feelings that have haunted us for so long can be released at this time. But we need to be willing to let them go. To heal means not being afraid any more. If we insist on clinging to the fear of pain, unfortunately the universe won’t be able to help us. We need to be aware of this strong power and flow with it.

The fear of betrayal and separation is one of our biggest fears. These emotions come very strongly with four celestial bodies in Scorpio (the sun, the moon, Mercury, and Venus). As weird as it sounds, many times we like to hold on to this pain because it is familiar. Uranus in Taurus will not tolerate anything that we are hanging on to. So, it will try with all its power to create separation from our familiar feelings. When we flow with the Creator’s desire to release us and refuse to become victims, we will be truly free from fear and anxiety.

With Mercury station going into retrograde in a couple of days, we will have the assistance we need to go back in time to reevaluate things we’ve hidden deep down and see them in a different and possibly truer light. Many suspicions and secrets may be revealed.

Take time for deep spiritual study; you may reveal layers of your soul you didn’t know existed. (After 22 years studying Kabbalah and spirituality, I sometimes think, ‘what more is there to know about myself?’ Yet, for as much as I’ve learned, I’m always amazed by how much deeper we can go and how much more we can reveal.)

The shocking energy of Uranus will bring with it great surprises when it comes to finance and relationships. Mars squares Saturn — as if the previous aspect was not hard enough! All Mars in Libra wants is peace and quiet, no noise of any arguments or disagreements. There is no patience for things that are not going in a peaceful way. We may feel that we want to push forward and move on, because we don’t want any drama in our lives. Yet, Saturn in Capricorn is holding back; we can start to feel that things have to go our way, and have to be perfect. There is no time to rush. And if a bit of drama is what we need to go through in order to get there, then drama it is.

The bottom line is we can feel frustrated when things are not happening as fast as we’d like. Perhaps we don’t agree with our boss, parental figure, or with any other person of authority. We don’t want to feel like someone else can make decisions in our lives without bothering to share the details with us. We want to make decisions together and collaborate. No one can truly make decisions about your life.

Sometimes when we need to move forward or learn a lesson, we’re not willing to do it by ourselves. In that case, it comes from the outside. Change your point of view and see the benefit of it. Learn to embrace this lesson.

Kabbalistically, Scorpio is often called “bitter,” but we have the ability to turn it into “exulted.”

All the potential is in this month. We just need to learn how to use the energy in the right way.

Start by controlling yourself instead of others. Release fear of betrayal and separation, and be willing to release past traumas that are preventing you from moving forward. Shift your point of view about life and know that every discomfort is for your ultimate growth and transformation.

Chodesh tov (Good month).
