Unconditional Happiness

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Unconditional Happiness

Kabbalah Centre
Febbraio 27, 2014
Mi piace 2 Commenti Condividi

It’s so easy to be spiritual when everything is going well in our lives. It’s not until stress rears its ugly head in the form of health issues, money problems, or relationship difficulties that we find “being spiritual” to be easier said than done. Suddenly it becomes more challenging to act with human dignity, to appreciate the good in our lives instead of focusing on the bad, or to have certainty that everything is from the Creator.

In fact, it’s usually during these more difficult moments that we start to question if this spirituality thing even works at all. Sometimes, depending on the severity of the hardship, we may even question the existence God. This kind of thinking leads to depression which is a common characteristic of Pisces, the astrological sign of which we are all currently under the influence on the lunar calendar.

At the same time, the kabbalists teach that the month of Pisces is known as a connection to joy and happiness. How can it be that a sign known for being less than joyful is our spiritual connection to bliss?

We learn in The Kabbalah Centre that happiness is not to be mistaken with pleasure. While pleasure is something we generally experience from things outside ourselves, happiness is something that is found within. True happiness is spiritual state of being that is unconditional. It doesn’t waver in the face of difficulty, and will not be moved or swayed by the goings on of the physical world. Happiness is an inner certainty that everything I am experiencing is from the Creator. I may not understand it, but I know it is here to help me become a better version of myself.

The true test of a spiritual individual is when the going gets tough. These are our chances to take all of the wisdom we have learned and put it to good use. What defines us as spiritual beings is not how we think and act when everything is going our way, but how we choose to be when it seems everything is crumbling around us.

As my mother, Karen Berg, teaches, “Only when it is put under immense pressure does a coal become a diamond.”

We will all have an opportunity to connect with the energy of unconditional happiness this month, and that opportunity will come in the form of every test we are faced with, great and small.
