Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 12-18, 2020
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 12-18, 2020

Yael Yardeni
Aprile 9, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

I hope all of you are holding up the fort after the Seder event of Pesach, which was attended online by thousands with a positive consciousness. Let’s now turn our attention toward getting rid of the edgy, cosmic energies that abound. From an astrological viewpoint, right now, we have an opportunity to take control of our response to this pandemic. This window is closest to us now, the next one being at the end of September of 2020.

Cosmically, we are now starting a brand new energy cycle, destined to help us rebuild a stronger desire. In Aramaic, it is called the Omer. Let’s examine this week’s chart and once again get an amazing confirmation of the great order that exists in the universe.

This week, the planetary alignment is as follows: the moon is in Sagittarius, in opposition to Venus in Gemini, Saturn and Mars are conjunct in Aquarius, Jupiter and Pluto are also conjunct in Capricorn, and the rising of the chart is Libra. What can we learn from all of this?

This is the beginning of a new order. With Saturn in Aquarius, many one-on-one relationships come under scrutiny. Of course, many of us are currently stranded and unable to gather with others. And so, the cosmos helps us to take a magnifier and finally see what we didn’t want to see. The area we need to focus on right now is the domain of the “other,” that is, all of what isn’t “me.”

With Saturn in Capricorn from 2017 to 2020, we dissected all major structures, governments, institutions, careers, and responsibilities. Conservation, moderation, and hard work were rewarded. Corruption was exposed and denounced.

Saturn is at ease with Aquarius the same way it was with Capricorn since traditionally Saturn rules both. Now is the time to build anew, to see society with a different eye. Social structures are likely to shift with our view on community, as well. Next year, in 2021, Jupiter entering Aquarius will give Saturn a push toward doing its job.

The moon and Venus in aspect this week offers us an opportunity to really turn enemies into friends. This time around is all about forgiveness and stretch. The real community is the one of the heart. And thank goodness, the chart reminds us that our hearts are bigger than we think.

It is said that during the Omer period, 24,000 students of the great sage, Rav Akiva, died because they lacked respect towards each other. It’s time that humankind learns the value of each other’s lives. Let’s reflect on all the blessings we have: the roof over our heads, the food on our plates, and the Light’s protection.

This whole week let’s take five minutes to stretch our thoughts toward our neighbor next door, the person at the gas station, the paramedics overwhelmed with work, who risk their lives for our sakes. The best support we can give the universe is our thoughts. As Rav Berg said so often, “Consciousness is everything.” Our intention is really what matters.

With Saturn in Aquarius, together, let’s welcome a new era of greater awareness and care and use the 72 Name, “Building Bridges" between people to send energy all around.
