Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 5-11, 2020
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 5-11, 2020

Yael Yardeni
Aprile 5, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

We are facing very interesting times right now. As every one of us eagerly follows news about the pandemic, we have a unique opportunity this week to inject positive energy into the cosmos for the benefit of all of mankind. All the battles and victories of the year are decided on the night of the Aries Full Moon, which in Hebrew we call seder or order.

Let’s examine the actual chart of this event to better grasp the world’s barometer.

The first obvious feature is the lack of fire in the chart, which is extremely unusual for a month of Aries. In addition, Mercury is still in Pisces, conjunct with Neptune creating difficulties in communication. Saturn entered Aquarius and is conjunct with Mars.

A great medieval kabbalist and astrologer by the name of Abraham ibn Ezra wrote that when the two malefics, Mars and Saturn, are together, they cancel each other’s negative effects. Let’s hope this will slow down the pandemic and give us some air to breathe.

In addition, Jupiter and Pluto are in the fourth house, and they push the whole world to seek depth. We may ask sharper questions about where we truly belong.As we know,the domain relevant to this happening, the house of roots or the “home,” represents our true desire and sense of belonging. Venus in the eighth house is challenging us to improve how we love. The moon in sensitive Libra colors the chart with a note of fairness and unity as it applies to the big picture, especially as it is located in the first house. In a way, all of mankind is pushed forward to seek deeper life meaning, and that’s great news.

So what should we be wary of? For starters, the powerful Aries energy at the chart’s descendant. We are all agonizing over the fact we might not be appreciated or seen by others. This overwhelming fear of rejection or lack of recognition is exactly what we will be dealing with this whole holiday. It’s time to accept the challenge and disconnect ourselves from what people think of us. That’s the greatest gift this holiday offers us: to become whole again, to reconnect with who our souls are, regardless of the opinion and expectations of others. It’s only with a strong sense of self-purpose and belonging that we can win all the battles of the year to come.

In a letter to Rav Berg, his teacher Rav Brandwein wrote, “Pesach is the holiday of freedom. Imagine a chicken who’s been stolen from its owner by a thief and the big fight which ensues. Both parties are met by the local judge, who’s answer is: “Just release the chicken; it will go to its rightful owner.” The chicken in this story is us. Let’s choose to go back to our true owner: the Light.

This “wholly day,” meditate on injecting a beautiful and unified energy in the cosmos.

May we all have a great, meaningful connection on Pesach this Wednesday night.

Chag sameach to all!
