Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 15-21, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 15-21, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Dicembre 15, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

As the month of Sagittarius—the month of miracles—unfolds, the cosmos delivers many unbelievable insights right to our door! This week is no exception. As we gaze into the constellations, we notice the incredible amount of planets placed in cardinal signs, especially in Capricorn. Right now, the cosmos is all aligned, with the exception of… the moon! This week, the moon is in vulnerable Cancer, wearing a sign that says, “Do not disturb!” It is also angular to both the South and North nodes. 

"The cosmos delivers many unbelievable insights right to our door!"

Hmmm… It seems the moon has to face its destiny!

So what should we do?

If we think about our spiritual work, we might notice that it always comes in cycles; sometimes we feel super inspired, meditating, sharing, and wondering why everyone isn’t doing the same! And other times we feel weighed down and think, “Oh my, more work. I am going to Hawaii. That’s it!” The duality of this week’s chart reflects both of these attitudes at the same time.

And so this week’s message is about spiritual proactiveness.

"This week’s message is about spiritual proactiveness."

The proactive quality means moving forward, no matter what, no matter how stuck you may feel. Obstacles and difficulties will arise! We want the power to pursue our purpose forever. This is really a quality of kabbalists: the ability to flow through situations, constantly learning while renewing themselves. And that’s precisely what we want to learn!

Our main obstacles exist because we are trying to make a point, or we really don’t want to change, or simply because we find ourselves, more often than not, stuck on certain things that have happened in the past which we still cannot make sense of. As the kabbalists teach, we simply need to tell ourselves, "Okay, I am just going to say NEXT!" This week, the cosmos is giving us a great gift: an opportunity to go past our heavy feelings, old grudges, or simply the status quo.

Here are a few simple tips to connect with this energy:

  • There is always a contingency plan; it’s not OUR way or the highway!
  • The cosmos’ job is to push us FORWARD, not backward!
  • Spirituality is about flexibility, and the absence of it just makes us age!

This week, our job is to realize how often we choose the path of least resistance, or we simply try to just maintain things in our lives comfortably. (Cancer moon anyone?) We think, “I am okay. Who needs change?

So, our current mission is:

  1. Get ourselves to flow. Dare to do the things we really don't want to do right now (Sagittarius optimism).
  2. Think about renewal and a kind of rebirth.
  3. When we do get stuck, let our mantra be: NEXT!

We will need a different pair of glasses, but it’s all worth it!
