Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Dicembre 22, 2019
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Another fantastic blessing starts this great week: the “wholly-day” of Chanukah. This is the time zone of miracles and Light! We often call it “wholly” because Rav Berg explained that the holiday is meant to “complete” us.

"This is the time zone of miracles and Light!"

With that in mind, let’s examine the stars!

At the start of this week, the moon is one degree in powerful Scorpio, and strangely, a whole bunch of planets are actually in water! Neptune and the MC are in mystical Pisces, while Jupiter is already in stubborn Capricorn after spending a year in Sagittarius. So let’s get ready for our new mission: peeling back the layers and illusions of our lives, and going deeper in order to reveal what is concealed. With seven water planets, we are definitely in the 99 percent!

All of this water opens up a window to understand our perceptions. If we take a closer look, we realize how different all of our filters really are. There are literally hundreds of ways to interpret every event of our lives! So, how can we get to the truth behind everything? Our teacher, Karen Berg has a great bit of advice: if we want to feel the truth behind situations and people, and understand their needs better, we need to learn to clear our minds.

"We already know everything."

Our brains are like talking machines, they analyze, speak to us, and sometimes scream. This is underlined by the moon in Scorpio, which points to all our control issues. Oftentimes, we can't even hear ourselves. And by ourselves, I mean our TRUE selves, i.e. our souls. Our body is a temple—the housing of our souls. Right now, the job we have is to become more in touch with our real selves with our real work (soul work).

This week, if we can truly establish a connection with our inner Light, we can really open up to our intuitive Light, and become a more genuine version of ourselves. So, on a practical level, what’s our plan? First of all, we need to establish some silence in our brains! So this week, let’s try practicing more deep breathing. We really need it, since there is no air left in the stars!

While our minds and hearts are like overheated engines, the lungs are the organs that cool off the fire. Through deep breathing, we can feel better, calm down more, and become a lot more connected to our souls. In the midst of world confusion, a simple exercise consists of walking away and simply taking a couple of deep breaths. We can feel better right away. Why? Air is considered the balancing element of the universe, or kabbalistically, the central column energy of the universe.

Another great realization of this week is that we already know everything. It’s all in our hard drives, or our souls. With Neptune in the ninth house, we can expect a lot of déjà vu sensations or images from our past, even past incarnations, or significant dreams. Since we benefit from more miracle energy and wholeness this week, our work will lead us to much stronger insight and understanding.

This week, meditate on one of the 72 Names of God called, “Revealing the Concealed," and let’s open our hearts to the real Light.

Much love and Light to everybody, and happy “wholly day” of miracles!
