Weekly Astrology Forecast for June 16-22, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for June 16-22, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Giugno 16, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

We are now in full-blown lunar Gemini!

Let’s take a closer look at the cosmic environment these days…

The biggest surprise is the overwhelming dominance of the earth element. What’s going on? Are we back to square one? We expected to feel all light and fizzy in this airy month. Instead, we feel a real Saturnian heaviness weighing on our consciences. Imagine a big cosmic sandwich with many layers: Capricorn, Pluto in retrograde, charts rising, North Node of the moon, and Saturn in retrograde. Wow, what an intense combo! When it rains, it pours. Mercury is now in emotional Cancer, quincunx Jupiter, and in opposition to all the Capricorn planets for just an additional pinch of drama. Phew! What’s the plan?

"What’s the plan?"

The moon’s placement is actually our salvation, as it is in optimistic Sagittarius right at the start of this week. When we take a closer look at ancient kabbalistic teachings, we can see that the moon is perhaps the most important feature in a chart. It represents our internal universe, our deepest emotions, and the way we perceive, process, and receive all events in our lives. In Jung’s language, it is the “anima.” In a way, the placement of the moon in our chart represents the naked truth about who we really are within.

Positioned close to the moon, Jupiter injects us with a great dose of enthusiasm and a desire to conquer the whole world (eleventh house) and this is the great blessing of this week. However, Sagittarius is not always the greatest listener of the zodiac. We now get a better understanding of this week’s cosmic lesson. With the presence of so much earth, this whole week is one big exercise in common sense, of becoming factual and very grounded. In other words, we must be able to express and receive information solely based on events we can verify, rather than subjective feelings.

With Mars in emotional Cancer, all confrontations will leave us feeling insecure, edgy, or worse. Right now, we shouldn’t give any energy to these emotions. Chances are, we are just affected by the cosmic heaviness, not by actual facts! But, of course, Saturn‘s job is to accentuate the drama, the “doom and gloom” of life events. Since three planets are still in retrograde motion, it feels that the past is catching up with us and we must choose to stay in the moment with a greater dose of strength and certainty. Technically, the best course of action right now is to flow and stand up to the cosmic challenges.

"More clarity will enter our lives."

Ayin Resh Yud of the 72 Names (the formula for certainty) is definitely our ally this week. To quote a very wise Chinese philosopher, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past, if you are anxious, you are living in the future, if you are peaceful, you are living in the present.”

The cosmic heaviness of this week will soon vanish, and more clarity will enter our lives.
