Weekly Astrology Forecast for May 19-25, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for May 19-25, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Maggio 20, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

My dear friends, we are in full-blown Taurus right now! Let us pause for a moment to understand the cosmic messages.

This week starts with an intense Scorpio moon and rising sign, a total of nine planets in earth signs, and unfortunately, no air in the chart at all. Thank God, extra help will soon come our way straight from the universe with the unbelievable gift of Lag B’Omer (the 18th day of lunar Taurus). This year the day falls on the 22nd and 23rd of May — definitely a day to mark on our calendars!

"Extra help will soon come our way..."

Let’s first examine how we can survive the rest of this heavy and quite infamous Omer period. What lessons can we possibly learn from such a difficult (…and unexpressed) chart? The answer is with positive stubbornness and determination! If the past few weeks haven’t taught us the power of “pushing forward no matter what,” I don’t know what will! In fact, the rising and moon in Scorpio are offering us an unexpected opportunity to get rid of many distorted beliefs we have held onto for way too long. The Scorpio moon acts as a great guillotine…

Early in my personal spiritual journey, I asked Rav Berg, our beloved teacher, the following question:

“We always strive to be supportive and loving to those around us, students and teachers alike. How can we prevent a student’s detachment from his or her spiritual journey from affecting us?”

Rav Berg paused. Then, he smiled a brilliant smile, and answered, “You ask this question because you do not have certainty. If you had real certainty, you would understand that no energy is ever wasted. When you give your love and your energy to others, it may not come back to you through the same wires. But it always comes back, no matter what — often through completely different people.”

This explanation was one of the most enlightening moments in my spiritual journey. In other words, we cannot look for immediate outcomes, but we must continue bringing love and Light to every interaction. The outcome is not in our hands, but in the hands of the cosmos. We have to KNOW it will all come back, even if we don’t know HOW!

"Connect to the idea of spiritual investments."

This week, connect to the idea of spiritual investments. Since there is so much earth in the cosmos, let’s take advantage of it. Simply put, what we need right now is to get out of our comfort zones and give! This means investing energy in our work, projects, friends, career, and dreams. But, at the same time, doing this unconditionally and knowing deep down that we may not see results in three months or three years. Just keeping on pushing, like a stubborn Taurus!

When you think about it, feeling discouraged is just the consequence of us not seeing immediate results. This happens a lot in our spiritual work. We make the effort, then ask, “Ok, where is the payoff? I did everything by the book! I should be hitting the jackpot by now!” It happens when the cosmos sees our desire growing, our vessel expanding, and more importantly, when all our expectations are chucked out the window! Expectation is always accompanied by a soulmate: disappointment!

Let’s use the fantastic energy of Lag b’Omer to increase our spiritual reserves for the year, so no matter how long it takes to see the effects of our positive actions, we still feel optimistic and motivated. This is the week to invest and share, and place energy wherever we can, with all our strength and with no expectations.

Surprises await us!

Chag sameach (Happy Holiday), everyone!
