Weekly Astrology Forecast for May 26 - June 1, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for May 26 - June 1, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Maggio 26, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

We are near the end of lunar Taurus. Yay! The lunar month of Gemini starts next week, our 49-day marathon of Omer counting is almost over, and the great Light of Shavuot is just around the corner. Thank God, the energy of Gemini is slowly penetrating the cosmos.

"The cosmos is questioning how big our hearts are."

As we study the world’s chart, we find the moon to be in bold Aquarius, while the sun and Mercury are already in Gemini. The chart’s rising, along with Jupiter are in feisty Sagittarius and the result is a much airier cosmos. We can already breathe easier! Of course, we still have heavy Saturn cunjuncting Pluto and the southern moon node in Capricorn. Talk about complicated! What’s up with that?

The cosmos is questioning how big our hearts are, and how inclusive we are of others. The moon in Aquarius is a very universal feature, and inspires us to elevate ourselves and teach others, as well. Since Jupiter is the chart’s ruler of the week, we can benefit from an elevated state of consciousness. But, these two features also have a down side.

The feisty energy of Sagittarius needs to be better controlled. It’s pushing us to act impulsively, like we know everything already. It’s the freedom-seeker in us who discourages people just because he’s not listening.

"We should all feel more connected to each other."

Our job this week is to check how open or closed we are vis à vis our entourage. The cosmos urges us to ask ourselves, “In what way are we not inclusive enough of others?” Obviously, we all need time to reflect, and this "me" time should be organized properly and proactively, neatly written in our weekly calendar. It should look something like, "This hour of that day I am going to walk in the countryside, read, or simply journal for myself, not because I want to run away and break free, but because I need a moment to be re-inspired.”

As our teacher Rav Berg beautifully explained, a spiritual person is someone who removes the space between themselves and others, who constantly tries to become closer to others, while being respectful of their boundaries. Too often, we allow too much space to enter. The kabbalists explain that that space is where negativity (indifference, anger, resentment, etc.) can enter.

This week, get ready to remove the unnecessary spaces. Move closer, and show more care and interest in others. Call someone you haven't spoken to in a while. Create quality time with your loved ones, and also for yourself.

Like the symbol of the upcoming lunar month of Gemini, the twins, we should all feel more connected to each other. Be aware of seemingly “random” messages as they are likely to give us a great push forward.

Love and Light to everybody! Next week, we will speak about lunar Gemini.
