Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 17-23, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 17-23, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Novembre 17, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Another week begins in this intense lunar month of Scorpio! As we are entering the moon’s second phase, the one of "waning," let's get ready to enter the darker side of the moon!

"Definitely a fantastic time for soul reflection!"

First the good news: this week starts with a great and beautiful trine in water between Neptune, the moon, and Mercury. This is a very favorable time for intense intuition, as well as an optimal sense of self. It’s as if we feel somewhat more aligned with an understanding of what is going on deep in our souls. Definitely a fantastic time for soul reflection!

The majority of planets are still in water, with three planets in Scorpio, and the moon in sensitive Cancer. Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in Sagittarius to give us the spark to pursue our endeavors. In addition, the chart’s predominant houses are the sixth (service, work, and health) and the eighth (re-invention and re-creation).

What to make of all this? Well, right now the universe is definitely asking us to take a step back and reflect on many situations with coworkers or friends in order to avoid intense Scorpio judgment! It seems that we can see everything that is wrong this week, and it might feel like jumping into a frying pan, which can make bad karma for us! 

"Now we can plant the seed for the best version of ourselves."

In addition, Venus is at a difficult angle to rebellious Uranus. Uranus, as we know, represents instability and edginess. Giving love (the attribute of Venus) feels suddenly irrelevant as Uranus shakes us up, and pushes us to challenge all relationships. Many unexpected events can happen in that domain. Be prepared to have your belief systems a bit rocked! Beware of beginning new relationships right now; with this aspect there is a danger meeting difficult, or even elusive types of people. It’s a really bad idea to fall in love with a great revolutionary at the moment!

For the singles amongst us, very dramatic attractions are likely to appear, so let’s exercise caution when it comes to relationships and love! But don’t worry too much — the universe is trying to give us a better understanding of relationships and the way WE handle them. It helps us neutralize Scorpio behaviors, such as possessiveness and jealousy, especially in the second half of the lunar month. Last week, the day of the Great Flood took place. So, apply caution in your lives right now. It’s best to be more reflective, keep a low profile, and send much spiritual Light into the world.

Another opportunity lies in the beautiful conjunction between Venus and Jupiter this week. We need to reflect on a very important point: what actions do we want to be remembered for long after we are gone? How can we better realize ourselves, so that can we transform in our lives? Perhaps it’s time to change direction in life. Maybe go back to pursue our studies? In any case, right now we can plant the seed for the best version of ourselves.

Make some time for meditation and contemplation this week, using the beautiful water trine. Since we are in the moon’s dark side, we should meditate on the 72 Name: Eradicating Plagues this whole week.

Have an amazing (but cautious) week!
