Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 24-30, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 24-30, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Novembre 24, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

I am very happy to announce that the final days of lunar Scorpio are here! It’s now time to start harvesting the gifts of our tough emotional labor, just before the New Moon in Sagittarius, which occurs at the end of this week.

"We are, indeed, feeling lighter and more inspired."

As this week’s chart opens up, the sun and Venus are already positioned in happy Sagittarius, the moon is in balanced Libra, and the rising of the chart is in light Gemini. The emotional water energy is slowly diminishing, and leaving space for a healthier and more optimistic fire energy. In kabbalistic astrology, the element of fire signifies action, energy, forward motion, and creative ideas. This week is a great time to reboot and look at things through a different lens.

In a way, the cosmos wants to start crediting us, so we can slowly let go of the lingering emotional bankruptcy brought about in lunar Scorpio. We are, indeed, feeling lighter and more inspired. It is, therefore, a fantastic moment to spend quality time with loved ones and share experiences. Fire is all about friendships, and a simple and good life! 

"It’s time to start feeling free and limitless."

With this renewed fire, it’s a great time to start learning something new, rebooting our brains as well as our emotions! It’s time to start feeling free and limitless, and open ourselves up to the possibility of new beginnings in our lives. In addition, Mars and Mercury are conjunct in Scorpio, bringing a stronger desire to communicate and to have our voices heard.

However, let’s put “love at first sight” on hold for the moment! With the impulsivity of Venus in Sagittarius we could make serious mistakes, especially falling into the trap of drama (Jupiter) and ego. It’s all a blessing really, as Jupiter the amplifier, makes it easier for us to realize how we need to act in relationships, what we need to change, and how to keep our hearts open, Sagittarius style.

Make no mistake, we will probably find ourselves fighting critical remarks about our behavior from others, and defending our ego for just a little longer! The fact that we can actually spot these behaviors is, of course, a huge gift. We cannot heal a disease we aren’t aware of, and naming our spiritual “ailment” will help us quickly find the cure! Our only real enemies are, in fact, ego and pride.

Kabbalists wisely ask: who needs an ego? Is my ego essential for my survival? Do I need to be right all the time? Do I need to have the approval of others all the time (in Libra fashion)? Actually, quite the opposite! It’s very diminishing to all the good actions we do to be approved and reviewed by others! This is a great week to plan many secret and positive actions! Why keep rotten merchandise in our closets? Let’s clear it out. Proactively ask your entourage for help, to end the Scorpio transformative cycle beautifully.

Another planetary aspect requires our meditations this week — Uranus and Mars are engaged in strong opposition, which could generate difficult conflicts or inflame an angry mob easily. I highly recommend meditating on the 72 Name of “Farewell to Arms” this entire week, so the Light will be felt by all people in the world and violence will be abandoned. 

We will, next week, enter the realm of lunar Sagittarius! Have a great week, everyone!
