Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2019

Yael Yardeni
Settembre 22, 2019
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It’s our last mile until Rosh Hashanah!

Our beloved teacher Rav Berg always talked about this time as being our opportunity to go "back to the future." It’s like using an eraser to remove all the aspects of the last year we didn't do so great with.

"It’s our last mile until Rosh Hashanah!"

Last week, the cosmos (and the world!) was very stormy with floods and plenty of climatic challenges. Focus your meditations toward all of these places.

 Let’s find out more about this week’s cosmic behavior!

The chart starts with a very versatile Gemini moon, eight solid planets in Earth, and two planets already in Virgo. Overall, the cosmos seems less fiery and slowly getting calmer, as more planets move into Virgo.

Although, with a closer look, we do find a T-square: Neptune-the moon-Jupiter. The T-square must be addressed, since it involves what is concealed (the moon), everything that is unclear or that we are not aware of yet (Neptune), and our personal growth. In many ways, this week is a gift since our internal hidden thoughts and doubts are resurfacing for the purpose of being processed, understood, and altered for the better.

Having our demons exposed is not a picnic! However, this is our time to clear out and cleanse before Rosh Hashanah. The pure energy of the sun in Virgo is supporting us in this process.

With the Gemini moon, an essential component of this week is the idea of lightening up—learning to not only face, but accept our challenges. Embracing self-forgiveness is on the menu this week and the good news is it will enable us to more clearly recognize all the great gifts we were given.

"These gifts are double."

These gifts are double; they are the blessings we count in our lives, and the inner qualities and talents we were given (Chiron in the twelfth house). In our spiritual work we are taught to focus on what we need to correct and change in our behavior. Although it is important to accept responsibility about past behavior, it is equally important to understand that life is a journey for which the Light gave us many gifts.

Wow, that’s a first—bringing out the good in us!

As a practical homework assignment for the week ahead, I would suggest making a list of all the great things you already have in your life, and (very importantly) all the good you can bring to others. The effect will be very soothing to your soul!

This week is about reinforcing all the good in our lives so we are set up for a great start to the New Year. Think about it for a moment, which coach would focus on all the past mistakes of his team of players before a big game? We are approaching the biggest game ever—the one that will determine this entire year to come! Let’s cheer ourselves up with all of our talents and achievements, knowing they come from the Light.

On Wednesday, September 25th, we are also blessed with a very positive day: the kabbalistic day of the creation of the world—the actual day everything started. All of us start life with great hopes and expectations, which slowly become eroded by disappointments, challenges, and misunderstandings. On this day, we get the opportunity to bring to life a new creation of ourselves! Our essence as humans is the same, no matter where we come from or what color we are! This week we choose self-forgiveness.

I want to wish everyone a wonderful year full of Light and blessings! Keep praying and helping those in need!

Much love to everybody and shana tova (Good year)!
