Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 15-21, 2020
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 15-21, 2020

Yael Yardeni
Marzo 15, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

I hope everyone is in better spirits after last week’s amazing energy, which hopefully brought some positive Light to the world’s current confusion.

This week, we enter a very complicated time zone. At the beginning of the week, the moon is in hasty Sagittarius, Mercury is at a critical 29 degrees in Aquarius, and the heaviness of Mars joining the malefic planets in Capricorn is, indeed, very much felt.

Since the rising of the chart is in Libra, the cosmic message is definitely about temperance. Whatever we are doing right now requires a lot of patience and care, and we must refrain from impulsive decisions this week. We are better off letting the cosmos unfold its plan rather than jumping into action. Freeze when it comes to making any important decisions. The planetary aspects are extremely volatile this week; therefore, take care to bring more harmony and peace to your community.

Since the heavy planets are located in the fourth astrological house, we are asked to reexamine our desires, to analyze our personal agendas, and literally throw away everything we do not need. Since Jupiter is also in the fourth house—a rather powerful position—consider removing obstacles in your way so you can continue forward in life. It may feel as if the universe is purging all our klippot (shells).

As we know, Jupiter is the planet of education. Over the centuries, kabbalists have been very focused on teaching people in every possible way: classes held out in the open, books, small study groups, etc. Many of us in the 21st century need to understand the value of education. But the real message here is that we truly never know anything. Let us adopt the saying of a very famous philosopher, who once stated, "All I know is that I know nothing."

With the presence of strong Pisces energy still in the universe, we also need to remind ourselves (once again) that ignorance is no excuse. This week, we get to balance what we know and what we don’t. It’s the perfect week to meditate, deepen our studies, and perhaps even invest in continuing our education. In any case, we should attempt to be a lot more proactive about our spiritual studies.

Interestingly, this energy appears in the most intellectual of all the water months, which is Pisces. In kabbalistic astrology, Pisces is considered the air of the water, and those born under the sign are naturally inclined toward spirituality or philosophy.

Very simply, this week, let’s open ourselves up to clearing a path in our lives, with peace and reflection, and seek more profound answers to the great questions of life. This is an unbelievable time to rekindle our studies, spiritual or otherwise. And why not go back to school if it feels right?

We will feel cleansed before we start the new astrological year in lunar Aries. Meditate on Mem Hey Shin to restore good health to everybody.

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