Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 8-14, 2020
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 8-14, 2020

Yael Yardeni
Marzo 8, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Many of my astrology friends are asking me, What is going on in the cosmos? Mother Earth is very unstable right now; something is definitely cooking!

The chart of this week actually points to many illusions found in the blurry month of Pisces, as the sun and Neptune are in close conjunction in Pisces, Mercury is still in retrograde, and poor Venus in Taurus is thoroughly challenged by its close contact to unstable Uranus.

First bit of advice: edit communication! Heavy conversations (and even easy ones) should be postponed for later, if possible. Things can very quickly snowball into big illusions, creating distance. As our teacher, Karen Berg, often says, we are all very preoccupied with what goes into our mouths when we should really care more about what comes out of them! This is especially true as the chart’s rising is in critical Virgo. With the challenging presence of Uranus in the eighth house, we find ourselves more reactive than usual.

The cosmos is pushing us to revolutionize our thinking patterns. Einstein (a typical Piscean with an Sagittarius moon!) very wisely said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Our lesson of the week is to become more conscious of old habits or principles that are no longer working. In other words, it’s now time—thanks to inquisitive Virgo energy—to pick one behavior we aren’t happy about, and use the energy of this week to throw it out of the window.

But don’t worry, there is a light is at the end of the tunnel, as this week brings us to the full moon of lunar Pisces/Adar. You’ve guessed it! It’s the “whole-ly” day of Purim! Thank goodness. This is a moment of relief for all humankind, as Purim is associated with the gmar ha-tikkune, the end of the correction process.

There is a beautiful aspect showing us this great opportunity between the ruler of this month, Jupiter, our miracle maker, and Neptune, also considered in conventional astrology to be the co-ruler of Pisces. This is, indeed, our window of miracles, offering us the ability to acquire a higher, more expanded consciousness and spirituality. Planet Neptune is the one in charge of pushing our boundaries further. It enables us to dream, and eventually make our dreams a reality. In a nutshell, this is the universe’s way of showing us that everything is possible, including human redemption.

As Purim starts, it is customary to wear masks and costumes to symbolize all the layers and veils we hide behind, and truly remove them from our lives. On Monday night and into Tuesday, we should all make an effort to connect with the source of joy for the whole year, which stems from our vision that all will be good sooner rather than later for each human on the planet. Your local Centre will have wonderful opportunities to connect to your spiritual community at this time.

Chag sameach to all!
