What is the Tree of Life?
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What is the Tree of Life?

Chaim Solomon
Dicembre 10, 2015
Mi piace 10 Commenti 1 Condividi


What is the Tree of Life for?


Tree of LifeThe diagram of the 10 Sefirot is referred to as the Tree of Life. The kabbalists teach a concept called, “the language of the branches.” This means that since we are in a physical body, in a physical world, and familiar with physical things, we can begin understanding the invisible, metaphysical world through physical metaphors and physical things that we know. And from these examples, grow in our grasp of the systems and processes of the spiritual realm.

The Tree of Life diagram of the 10 Sefirot (or energy intelligences) allows us to understand many aspects of the physical world and the spiritual teachings of the Zohar and Kabbalah.

For example, we learn that the endless Light is brought into the physical world through the process of transformation of the 10 Sefirot. And so, for all the Light to be revealed, we generally need 10 components. Thus, we can understand why there are 10 commandments (utterances), why the minimum quorum is 10 in order to bring the maximum energy during a prayer connection, why the human body has 10 fingers and toes, and why there are 10 digits in our counting system.

Also, as one learns more about the Tree of Life, we understand why there are seven colors in white light, seven days to the week, seven musical notes, and seven seas.

There are many other lessons to be learned. If you are interested, please speak with a Kabbalah instructor who can guide you further in your study path.  You can also find our Tree of Life course.

Light and blessings,


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