You are safe. You are loved. You are well.
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You are safe. You are loved. You are well.

Kabbalah Centre
Aprile 22, 2020
Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

Taurus represents safety and stability, beauty and values, money and healing.

These are the things we crave and want to feel in our lives every day, especially on those days when nothing looks stable, safe, or healthy.

When the sun and the moon in Taurus approach conjunction to the planet Uranus at the New Moon of Taurus, we are all going to learn what safety and stability means anew.

We all are being asked to remember why we were put on this planet to begin with. When the Creator made the world, the goal was not how much money we were going to make, or how successful we were going to be. The goal was to have it ALL by having a true desire to connect to the channel of abundance, and to the endless Light of the Creator. The goal was to have it in order to share it.

With the potential of Taureans to have it all, why aren’t all people born under the sign of Taurus rich, healthy, and safe? Oftentimes, we need things, like money, a nice house, a fancy car, material belongings, or a great career to make us happy and appreciative. So, we forget why we are here. Uranus in Taurus reminds us that we are FREE people, and we don’t need material things to be safe and healthy. Happiness comes from within a person.

You probably heard that many times. So, you say, “What are you talking about? I need money to survive.” And you are absolutely right. We need money to survive. But, will it help to worry or to be afraid? When you connect to the Creator and find inner peace, miracles start to happen, and things are solved out of nowhere. When we worry, we disconnect ourselves from the channel of abundance.

So, when Taurus doesn’t have it all, it is because they get confused, thinking money will make them safe. They become dependent on the material and forget about purpose. The universe now reminds us of our purpose. Let’s connect to it so the material will not be a problem anymore.

Uranus in Taurus conjunct the sun and the moon, which will shake the ground whether we like it or not. But we have a choice. Do not be afraid to lose! We can look forward to a better future, even if our limited eyes can’t see it at the moment.

At the New Moon of Taurus, when safety, stability, money, and love are all in the air, the mantra is: “I’m safe. I’m valuable. I’m loved. I’m well.” Every time you feel fear take over, repeat that mantra, and feel the change.

Iyar is the Hebrew name for the month of Taurus. The word stands for “I’m God, your healer.” Health, money, value, and love is in the hand of the Creator. We can connect to these things by knowing we are safe, regardless of what reality presents to us, and develop inner security—from the inside out. When we are not afraid of the change, Uranus in Taurus will take us to places, jobs, ideas, relationships, and travels we never saw before.

Venus, the planet that rules Taurus, is in Gemini. Venus in Gemini will go retrograde at the sign of Gemini, from May 13th to June 25th. (The last time Venus was retrograde in Gemini was in May of 2012 and May of 2004.)

Venus rules Taurus and is in charge of desire, values, and money. And love is in Gemini. Desire is the keyword. What is important for me? What do I value most in life? Where do I want to invest my energy? Venus retrograde in Gemini will help us to review the facts, and know what is really important, tap into new ideas about how to make money, how to be creative, how to invest right now. It could be an idea we had in the back of our minds—that thing we forgot about and will now come to life.

It is very important to not say, “I know,” and refuse to listen or to say, “I don’t know,” and not try. New information is in the air, and we need to be open to receiving it. At the New Moon, Venus is in Gemini, creating a trine with Mars in Aquarius. That will encourage us to take steps in planning our future in a non-reactive way.

In summary, healing, love, values, money, safety, and security are within reach.

Fears are just an illusion and do not have any purpose. Stop every hour and observe your thoughts. When you are aware of what you think, you also have the power to decide what you want to think about. And we want to think positively. We want to think that everything is within reach with the right consciousness.

Chodesh Tov (Good month)!
