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You Belong

Kabbalah Centre
Giugno 16, 2021
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It would be great if we could wake up every morning feeling calm and secure in knowing that we live the life we’ve chosen to live—not the life we’ve been forced to live.

We all have goals in our lives, and many times we can’t seem to reach them. The mind tells us what we want, yet our fears suggest that maybe we are not good enough, could be rejected, could lose, fail, or find ourselves disappointed. Many of us listen to our fears. Why do we do this? We are intelligent enough to know that our fears are just there to sabotage us. Still, we let them take over. Why is this?

Our hearts are afraid to feel pain—the pain of being rejected, not being good enough, failure, or not being loved. We need to be willing to take a risk, willing to feel the pain. Rav Berg often reminded us that when the pain of not being successful is greater than the pain of failing, we will finally be able to achieve our goal.

The month of Cancer is the time to open our hearts and embrace the pain, look pain in the eye and say, “I can handle you. You don’t intimidate me anymore.” This month allows us to connect to vulnerability and gain emotional intelligence and security.

Cancer is the sign of motherhood, nurturing love, care, empathy, sensitivity, compassion, intuition, intimacy, and family. It is a time to get cozy, comfortable, and soft.

We can waive the benefit of this energy by hanging onto our fears, or we can gain an amazing gift by being willing to feel.

Mercury is in retrograde in its own sign of Gemini. At the New Moon, Mercury in retrograde will conjunct the North Node in Gemini. Mercury is the planet that rules the North Node of the moon (May 2020 – December 2021). The North Node in kabbalistic astrology represents the tikkune process of the soul (on a personal chart). In transit, it shows us the collective tikkune of humanity.

As a whole, we are all pushed to learn new things, to get free from the templates we’ve created in our minds, and push to see reality as it is—to see the real truth without the limitation of how things need to be. Seeing the truth as it is takes a lot of courage because we might uncover the real reason why we do what we do, think what we think, or experience the things we are going through.

Are you ready to discover the truth? Remember, it is Cancer season. So, let’s aim to gain emotional security, regardless of whether we get approval, love, or recognition.

Mercury went conjunct with the North Node while direct on May 10th. What started for you around that date? Did you realize something deep about your life? Did you start to see things differently? Were you open to new ideas? Now is the time to remember what we learned and create a plan for how to manifest it. North Node in Gemini conjunct the sun and the moon, giving us another push towards that mission. There is so much available for us, so much waiting for us to reveal it when we finally allow ourselves to learn new things and to be open to know that things can be done in different ways.

Most of the time, we are hanging onto our old templates because we don’t like to feel pain. The sign of Cancer will give us the energy to feel what we are afraid to feel.

On June 11th, Mars moves into Leo. After seven weeks (April 23 – June 11), Mars is in Cancer. Mars can be very aggressive in Cancer if we don’t know how to feel or if we are not emotionally secure. The feeling of rejection can be vivid. The purpose of this experience is only for us to feel stronger and not depend on anything. Now that Mars is moving into Leo, it is strong, creative, and confident. We could benefit from it more if we went through a healthy emotional process when Mars was in Cancer. It is never too late to go through the emotional process. Jupiter is in the sign of Pisces, which also helps us in the process of seeing the big picture and staying spiritually connected.

The month of Cancer occurs at the beginning of summer. Cancer is a strong cardinal sign ruled by the moon, which represents lack in our lives. The Zohar teaches that at the time of redemption, the sun and the moon will be equal and that the moon will always be full (like at the time of King Solomon’s rule). For that to happen, humanity needs to feel the pain of others and care for others, ourselves, and our planet.

Caring is one of the beautiful traits of the sign of Cancer. When we feel fulfilled, we can care for others and for everything else. It is hard to care for anyone or anything when we feel lack or sadness. This month allows us to fill ourselves with Light when we dare to feel, when we dare to handle the pain, and when we dare to learn new things. Cancer wants us to feel that we belong! The feeling of belonging can’t come from others; we are the one who needs to feel we belong.

Wishing everyone high emotional intelligence and a feeling of security, safety, courage, and vulnerability. May you do everything you do with love.

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