Monthly Angels Connection
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04:00 PM

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Monthly Angels Connection

Collegamento in diretta

Angels are always all around us, supporting and guiding us as we navigate life. The Kabbalists teach us that awareness is the key to unlocking the support and guidance Angels offer. When we become attuned to their presence, we awaken their power to assist us in profound ways. Join us to explore these powerful teachings for our Monthly Angel Connection to learn about the unique Angel associated with this month and to experience firsthand how increased awareness of their presence can manifest profound support and blessings in your life.

One of the angels who governs the lunar month of Aquarius (Shevat) is: YARIEL. Yariel guides us to work together and succeed with teamwork and unity. Kabbalist Rav Berg said that fragmentation is the root of all evil. The goal of the Kabbalists was always that billions of people can live together yet understand that unity is the basis of the removal of chaos. The reason for not experiencing miracles is because there is a lack of feeling true happiness for others. Restoring unity in the world starts within our own life, through conscious decisions and generous behavior. In this session of monthly Angels, join Rivki for a deep understanding on how to create true unity meaning zero fragmentation no matter the circumstances.

Date(s): Giovedì, Gennaio 30, 2025

Collegamento in diretta

Presentato da: Virtual Live Learning (USA & Canada)

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Sessions: 1


Insegnante(i): Rivki Kutnovsky

Lingua: Inglese