Poland Energy Tour: A Spiritual & Educational Journey
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08:00 AM

Poland Energy Tour: A Spiritual & Educational Journey

Dal Vivo

Since the mid-1980s, The Kabbalah Centre has guided students on spiritual tours of ancient, energetic sites with the purpose of building a deeper connection to the Light of the Creator. Kabbalah teaches that a righteous soul, also known as a Tzadik, is a person that has undergone a spiritual process to achieve total transformation during their lifetime. When we learn about the Tzadikim and visit their resting places, we connect with their righteous energy and attract a multitude of blessings into our life.


About This Energy Tour:

Advance your spiritual path to greatness and experience a special visit to significant sites in Poland. This trip offers a unique opportunity to connect with the energy of the Tzadikim and explore the rich spiritual heritage of the Eastern Europe area. 

We will connect to the following Tzadikim:

  • Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa
  • The Maggid of Kozhnitz
  • Sefat Emet
  • Rabbi Yitzhak of Warka
  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
  • Seer of Lublin
  • Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk
  • Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz
  • Rabbi Nathan Nata Shapira (Megaleh Amukot)
  • Yossele the Holy Miser

Each of these sages offers a unique energy and aspect of the Light, providing a profound mystical experience. We will explore their unique qualities and contributions, discovering how they profoundly connected their generation and future generations to the Light of the Creator.


Sunday 15th September:

  • Arrival at Warsaw airport (please plan your flight to arrive before 12pm) **The bus will be leaving from Warsaw Chopin Airport at 1pm!
  • Visit Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa & The Maggid of Kozhnitz
  • Dinner and overnight stay in Warsaw

Monday 16th September:

  • Breakfast in Warsaw
  • Visit Sefat Emet, Rabbi Yitzhak of Warka, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk and the Seer of Lublin
  • Dinner and overnight stay in Lublin

Tuesday 17th September:

  • Breakfast in Lublin
  • Visit Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk and Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz (and more if time allows)
  • Late Dinner and overnight stay in Krakow

Wednesday 18th September:

  • Breakfast in Krakow
  • Visit to the Jewish Cemetery - Rabbi Nathan Nata Shapira (Megaleh Amukot) and Yossele the Holy Miser
  • Mini Zohar Outing in Krakow
  • Lunch & takeaway-workshop from the trip
  • Estimated end time: 4pm **Please book your return flight accordingly (arrival to Krakow airport is independent)


Your Spiritual Journey:

  • Connect to some of the greatest Kabbalists in Eastern Europe
  • Harness and tap into the power of the Tzadikim to create deep change and tremendous growth
  • Kick-start your internal Elul-work and Rosh Hashana preparation as you use each one of these sites to break and cleanse any limitations
  • Connect with students from all over the world
  • Spread the Light of the Zohar with a mini Zohar Outing in Krakow

What's included:

  • All meals are provided (breakfast, packed lunch and dinner), as well as snacks and refreshments
  • Hotel accommodation in all 3 cities
  • Transportation from Warsaw Airport upon arrival and throughout the trip.

What's NOT included:

  • Flights
  • Ride back to Krakow airport on Wednesday 18 September

Tickets & Pricing:
  • Standard Ticket - Double rooms (shared rooms between two) in Warsaw & Krakow, and triple room (shared room between three) in Lublin.
    • Members Price: £1239
    • Non-Member Price: £1652.20
  • Premium Ticket - Single rooms (rooms for one) in Warsaw & Krakow, and double room (shared room between two) in Lublin.
    • Members Price: £1650
    • Non-Member Price: £2200

Payment Plans available. Please get in touch on london@kabbalah.com 


Date(s): Domenica, Settembre 15, 2024

Dal Vivo

Sede: London

Indirizzo: Kabbalah Centre UK United Kingdom

Sessions: 1

Costo: GBP 1321.33–2200.00

Lingua: Inglese