Ekev: Being Wealthy and Poor in the Same Moment
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Ekev: Being Wealthy and Poor in the Same Moment

Pubblicato: Agosto 14, 2023
Registrato originalmente: Agosto 5, 2023

Mi piace 21 Commenti 1 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • A teaching from the Zohar, portion Naso, verse 44 for accessing a life of only blessings
  • Knowing that the totality of Light that we need has been prepared for us each day
  • Getting around the fence of protection: scorpions and snakes protecting the blessings that are meant for us
  • Washing our hands: purifying our consciousness to keep from viewing our accomplishments as coming from our own abilities
  • Living the paradox of being poor and wealthy at the same time
  • Fully embracing any lack and lacking nothing

Descrizione della Lezione

Kabbalists teach that great Light and blessings are prepared for us every day but in order to access them we must first get around a fence of protection. Join Michael as he reveals how living the paradoxical reality of being both poor and wealthy in the same moment can unlock the fence of protection and allow access to the greatest blessings meant for us.

Su questo Corso

As the kabbalists teach, the Light is the source of every gift we receive. All of our abundance, prosperity, sustenance and blessings originate from the Light’s endless sharing force. This week’s energy of Ekev supports us to appreciate the source of our sustenance. When we grow our consciousness of appreciation, we protect the blessings already in our lives and strengthen our certainty we’ll be provided what we need, when we need it.

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