Shlach Lecha: Transforming Our Vision
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Shlach Lecha
Consapevolezza dello Shabbat

Shlach Lecha: Transforming Our Vision

Pubblicato: Agosto 24, 2023
Registrato originalmente: Giugno 10, 2023

Mi piace 42 Commenti 3 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Not falling into the trap of the spies: saying with our mouth what we don't see with our eyes
  • 10% of what we see is based on input from the eyes while 90% gives it form through the mind
  • Retraining our eyes and stopping ourselves from creating false worlds of darkness
  • Meditating on the first two letters of the Tetragrammaton, holy Name of God: Yud and Hei
  • Memorizing and using these two phrases for transforming our vision:
    • Se’uh Marom Einechem Ure’uh Mi-Barah Eleh: “Turn your gaze upwards and see Who it was that created all this” Isaiah 40:26
    • Ya Yoshiacha Me’etzat Hameraglim: “May the Creator protect/redeem you from the advice of the spies”

Descrizione della Lezione

Kabbalists and science tell us that everything we see is an illusion, and we create reality. Join Michael as he shares how we can transform our vision so that we stop ourselves from creating worlds of darkness through our minds, and experience only the blessings of the Light of the Creator.

Su questo Corso

Do you ever find that something upsetting to you could be equally exciting to someone else? Every person could be faced with the same situation, and they’d react to it differently. We often can’t control what we’re faced with, but what we can control is our perception of it. With this week’s energy, realize the way you look at something is the way it will be. Know that your consciousness is what creates your reality.

Insegnanti del Corso

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