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Parental Guidance

Showing Love and Respect for All

Pubblicato: Dicembre 27, 2018
Registrato originalmente: Aprile 25, 2018

Mi piace 1 Commenti 1 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Responsibility vs. Tzimtzum
  • Why the teenage years feel so rebellious
  • How the parent role changes after 12/13 years old
  • Personal Big Bang
  • Inspiring talks with the kids help explore their imagination

Descrizione della Lezione

In this 3rd class of a series of 4, we focus into what happens in the years between 5 to 12/13 years old, when a child has their bar/bat-mitzvah connection. We will understand how a new level of the soul is coming down into the child, and what is happening in deeper levels. Through the writings of kabbalist Rav Ashlag, we will dwell in that teenager stage and comprehend why there is such a drastic change between the child before and after that age. Understanding these two major stages empowers us as parents to make better parental decisions.

Su questo Corso

Parents are the channels for their children, and need to develop gentleness, curiosity, and the ability to support them while setting up healthy boundaries. In this course, we learn the proactive attitude and kabbalistic tools that parents can benefit from to support the evolution and growth of children.

Insegnanti del Corso

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