Lesson 25
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Dieci Emanazioni Luminose
Lezioni 21 - 40

Lesson 25

Pubblicato: Novembre 19, 2013
Registrato originalmente: Febbraio 14, 2008

Mi piace 7 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • As we study we are strengthing the Vessel, the desire of humanity for the Light of the Creator
  • Any time Light manifests in a Vessel it is in the process of the Ten Emanations
  • The Ten Sefirot as they relate to the formation of the Vessel
  • A Vessel must have a true, complete desire and a desire to draw more than has been given
  • Anything that is manifested must be in the root. In Keter and Chochmah there is a potential for a true Vessel.
  • Binah, Or d’Chasidim, Light of Mercy of Supernal Waters incorporates a desire to start sharing
  • True creation of our process is to remove ourselves from it. The ultimate level of correction is when I am completely removed from it.
  • Keter, Chochmah, Binah, Zeir Anpin and Malchut are not real change, but veils on the Simple Light of the Creator
  • Light of Mercy (Or d’Chasidim) veiled light that we are able to share
  • Binah shares Or d’Chasidim and Or d’Chochmah. Nothing can exist without Or d’Chochmah
  • Zeir Anpin has two parts: 1) It manifests the Or d’Chasdim (Light of Mercy), the veiled Light that Binah wants to share 2)The awakening of the desire for the Light of Chochmah, which is Malchut
  • Keter is the essence. Chochmah does not have its own desire; it is the totality of the revelation of the Endless Light. Binah is when the Vessel realizes it wants to share and asks to share more. Zeir Anpin is the manifestation of Binah—the vessel recieves mostly veiled Light and a sliver of the Light of Wisdom. Malchut is the real Vessel and has tasted direct Light. It wants a complete revelation of Chochmah
  • Studying and thinking about this strengthens the Vessel and brings us closer to the Gmar haTikun (Final Correction)
  • Danger of injecting ourselves into the process
  • Revelation of Chochmah
  • Diminishing the ego

Su questo Corso

Uno degli studi più avanzati e profondi offerto dal Kabbalah Centre, le Dieci Emanazioni Luminose, è lo studio degli scritti del kabbalista Rav Ashlag, trattano dei misteri della vita, del Creatore e del cosmo. Come spiega Rav Berg, le Dieci Emanazioni Luminose sono il software che ci permette di attingere a ciò che è già presente nell'universo, è strutturato e non conosce il caos. Possiamo avere il miglior software e il miglior hardware per cambiare la nostra vita, ma se non sappiamo come premere i pulsanti, i risultati non arriveranno mai. Unitevi a Michael Berg, co-direttore del Kabbalah Centre, per questo studio avanzato che vi permetterà di elevare la vostra consapevolezza e cambiare la percezione del mondo.

Insegnanti del Corso
