Vayakhel: Construction, Destruction and Handling the Truth
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Zohar Class With Eitan Yardeni

Vayakhel: Construction, Destruction and Handling the Truth

Pubblicato: Dicembre 10, 2013
Registrato originalmente: Marzo 24, 2008

Mi piace 2 Commenti 1 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • The Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) contaminated the construction of the Tabernacle
  • Free will: choosing our environment
  • The Erev Rav, the Golden Calf and the Israelites impatience and need for a quick fix
  • Four levels of Torah: simple, metaphor, explanation, secret (Kabbalah)
  • Moses’ last six hours on Mount Sinai and the Final Redemption
  • Not giving up on our big picture work when we face challenges
  • Identifying the Erev Rav inside of us and learning to eliminate it
  • People of Construction and People of Destruction
  • Truth without love and mercy leads to destruction
  • Feeding our ego through destruction
  • The Ego uses truth without mercy
  • Destruction and self sabotage occurs before major breakthroughs in our lives
  • Laws of Truth (emet) and Laws of Mercy (chesed)
  • L’shon Hara (evil speech) and the desire for drama
  • Helping others only to feed the ego and gain power
  • False control and worthlessness: opposites of mind over matter
  • Using truth without caring and only for our own benefit
  • Confrontation and arguments to improve our relationships
  • Identifying the destructive aspects of our consciousness
  • Seeing truth with mercy
  • Appreciation allows us to see more truthfully with mercy
  • Fighting to be in a state of appreciation and using the Zohar as a tool
  • Focusing on others when we are in pain is the greatest form of cleansing
  • The purpose of Pesach with the Rav and Karen

Descrizione della Lezione

In his writings, Rav Ashlag reveals how we can either be people of construction or destruction and the challenges of basing our belief system on Truth or Mercy. Join Eitan as he explains these powerful concepts and how they relate to our ability to manifest blessings in our lives based on the portion of Ki Tisa.

Su questo Corso

Written 2,000 years ago by Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the Zohar explains all of the secrets of the Bible, the Universe and every aspect of life. The Zohar class is a weekly journey to understand the energy and challenges that will confront us during the week and how we can elevate our consciousness to prevent chaos from occurring in our lives.

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