Lesson 5: Secrets of the Shofar
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Rosh Hashanah Seminario 2009

Lesson 5: Secrets of the Shofar

Pubblicato: Dicembre 26, 2013
Registrato originalmente: Settembre 12, 2009

Mi piace 11 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Being judged on our level of Desire to Recieve
  • Transforming our desires
  • Teshuvah, Tzedaka, Tefilah
  • The shofar: sweetening judgment and purifying the Desire to Recieve
  • Binah and Malchut: intense Light and judgment
  • 101 Blowings of the shofar awaken Zeir Anpin
  • Breath (Binah) Voice (Zeir Anpin) and Speech (Malchut)
  • Negative thoughts and crying during the blowing of the shofar
  • The four types of negativity cleansed by the shofar: The key is identifying the desire behind our negative actions
    • Idol Worship/First 30 blowings: What do we make more important than the Light in our lives?
    • Incest (adultery and jealousy) / Second set of 30 blowings: Where are we busy with others instead of ourselves?
    • Bloodshed (spiritually killing or inflicting pain on others) / Third set of 30 blowings: What actions have we done that have caused others pain? Why?
    • Evil Speech/ Last set of 10 blowings: Where have we been involved in gossip and negative speech? What did we get out of it?
  • Structure of the blowings: Right, Left, and Central Column of Right Column (Abraham/Idol Worship), Left Column (Isaac/Incest), Central Column (Jacob/Bloodshed), Malchut (King David/Evil Speech)
  • Songs, happiness and unity during the connections
  • Manifesting energy with the meals
  • Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat

Descrizione della Lezione

Join David as he shares kabbalistic teachings and insights to the prayers of Rosh Hashanah and the Shofar Connection.

Su questo Corso

Durante l'anno abbiamo l'opportunità di connetterci con energie spirituali uniche e potenti. Acquisire maggiore consapevolezza di queste finestre del tempo e comprendere le preghiere e gli strumenti kabbalistici che servono alla nostra connessione, non solo migliora la nostra vita, ma crea il cambiamento positivo e l'appagamento duraturo che desideriamo, attirando queste energie divine a sostegno del mondo intero.

Insegnanti del Corso
