Cancer: Concealment of the Shechinah
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Rav Berg's New Moon Consciousness

Cancer: Concealment of the Shechinah

Pubblicato: Giugno 28, 2024
Registrato originalmente: Luglio 1, 1992

Mi piace 22 Commenti 5 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • 3 months that are considered to be heavy energy months: Cancer, Leo and Capricorn
  • The Torah: Moses was hidden by his mother for three months
  • The Zohar: The Shechinah, the totality of true consciousness, is concealed in these three months
  • The Jerusalem connection between the three months
  • An over-infusion of Light
  • 5 negative events that occurred in the month of Tammuz, Cancer:
    • The first set of tablets were shattered
    • The tamid, daily offerings, were forbidden
    • The Temple wall was pierced in Jerusalem
    • The Torah scroll was burnt
    • An idol was placed in the Heichal, the Ark 
  • The secret of the letter Chet consisting of Vav and Zayin
  • The revelation of Light channeled through the 10 Utterances
  • The Lights of Taurus and Gemini are revealed in the month of Cancer

Descrizione della Lezione

Kabbalists teach that the month of Cancer is one of three months in which the Shechinah, the totality of true consciousness, is concealed, therefore deeming Cancer to be a "negative" month. Join Rav Berg as he teaches us secrets of the month of Cancer, so that we may harness the over-infusion of Light and only connect with positivity during this month.

As shared by Rav Berg on the New Moon of Cancer in 1992. Part 1 of 3.

Su questo Corso

Delve into the profound teachings of a kabbalistic master in Rav Berg's New Moon Consciousness, a collection of newly unearthed exclusive archival footage in which the Rav explores the mystical aspects of the lunar cycle and its impact on our consciousness.

Insegnanti del Corso

Commenti 5