Lesson 7: Letters Resh, Shin, Tav, She'va
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How To Read The Zohar in Aramaic

Lesson 7: Letters Resh, Shin, Tav, She'va

Pubblicato: Marzo 10, 2025
Registrato originalmente: Agosto 2, 2024

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Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Learning to write and to read the typical print and the ashurit print
  • Acknowledging the numerical value of each letter
  • Identifying, memorizing and practicing:
    • Resh
    • Shin
    • Sin
    • Tav
    • Rules of vowel called She'va Na
    • Reading Aramaic and Hebrew from right to left
  • Practicing the reading exercise from pages 67-69 of the attached workboook

Descrizione della Lezione

Yosef Farnoosh teaches us to identify, write and pronounce the letters Resh, Shin, Sin, and Tav. In this lesson, we are also studying the vowel She'va, and the rules of She'va Na. These letters can be studied on pages 50-54. Here we also continue reviewing the reading exercises on pages 67-69 of the workbook.

Remember to watch and practice the reading exercise 7, next from this lesson.

Su questo Corso

10 Lesson Course. New lessons added weekly! | The Zohar is a powerful tool enabling us to decode the Bible's stories, thereby connecting us to our higher purpose, our reason for being. The deeper we go, the more Light and blessings we reap. While there is great power in possessing the Zohar, there’s even greater power in actually reading it. Join us for a fascinating course as we learn how to read and pronounce passages from the Zohar and important kabbalistic prayers in Aramaic. In addition to reading practice, you’ll receive exercises to use both during and between classes and a digital workbook to track your progress.

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