Rosh Hashanah Decoded
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Rosh Hashanah Decoded
Informational Session

Rosh Hashanah Decoded

Pubblicato: Settembre 27, 2024
Registrato originalmente: Settembre 25, 2024

Mi piace 11 Commenti 4 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • As we approach Rosh Hashanah, what is recommended for these final days and our continued preparation?
  • What is the most important thing to keep in mind throughout the holiday?
  • What should we be thinking of while listening to the blowing of the shofar?
  • Zohar Emor verse 193
  • What is the best way to meditate when you are live streaming Rosh Hashanah?
  • What is recommended for more wealth and abundance in the new year?
  • After the holiday, how do we know we received a new vessel/new soul?

Descrizione della Lezione

Learn new insights about Rosh Hashanah and get all of your event and connection questions answered ahead of the holiday! Join Eitan and Rachel Yardeni for a Decoding Rosh Hashanah and informational session with Q&A on what to expect at the upcoming Rosh Hashanah connections. Open to all, and highly recommended for those joining us for the first time. 

Su questo Corso

Kabbalists teach that holidays are windows in time that provide all of humanity with an opportunity to receive assistance in achieving complete fulfillment. Each one of these cosmic openings allows us to draw Light into our lives on a mind, body, and soul level. The Decoding series is centered on these different windows in time; each seminar offers history, context, consciousness, and practical tools to enhance your preparation for, and experience of, each holiday. Rosh Hashanah is a powerful tool for setting a blueprint for the New Year. During this 48-hour period of time, we plant seeds for a positive and Light-filled year to come. These “seeds” manifest through our thoughts, words, and actions. With consciousness we can create the reality we desire. Just as a healthy apple seed begets a healthy apple tree, what we sow on Rosh Hashanah determines what we will experience during the coming twelve months. In this seminar, discover how you can take full advantage of the many tools available on Rosh Hashanah to cultivate a fulfilling New Year.

Insegnanti del Corso

Commenti 4