The Concept of Israelite
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Gli scritti di Rav Ashlag
Il pensiero della creazione

The Concept of Israelite

Pubblicato: Maggio 6, 2020
Registrato originalmente: Aprile 30, 2019

Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

•    Everything has an inner and external aspect, and each aspect also has internal and external aspects
•    Israelites are the internal aspect of the world, constantly working on themselves, being loving, giving and kind, committed to the Light
•    The other nations are the external aspect of the world, meaning not attaching themselves to spiritual work
•    Our priority is determined by what we are most concerned about
•    Raising our internal aspect over the external elevates all the Israelites in the world and lower the body consciousness for all, and it creates appreciation and respect to the spiritual work
•    One person that strengthens the connection to the Light helps the rest do the same
•    Our most important investment ought to be the internal, our individual transformation because it is our way to shift the entire world

Descrizione della Lezione

In pages 164-181, Chapter 9 of the book, The Thought of Creation, Rav Ashlag explains that the concept of Israelite refers to the human beings who are responsible for their actions, and apply restriction with the awareness of affecting positive change in the entire world. This concept is unrelated to geographical location. In this lesson, Eitan Yardeni invites us to self reflect and examine what is our main concern today, in the present moment, regardless of future expectations, and also identify what is our most important investment in every area of life. This exercise helps us determine our intention and where we are in our individual transformation.

Su questo Corso

Rav Yehuda Ashlag, il fondatore del Kabbalah Centre nel 1922, ha condiviso tutte le intuizioni ottenute dalla profondità dei suoi studi di Kabbalah in diverse opere scritte, una delle più potenti e illuminanti è The Thought of Creation (Il Pensiero della Creazione) che ci aiuta a comprendere la dinamica del mondo fisico e ci dà lo strumento per elevare la nostra consapevolezza all'intenzione originale della Luce per le nostre vite.

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