The Meals of Shabbat
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La gioia dello Shabbat

The Meals of Shabbat

Pubblicato: Febbraio 27, 2018
Registrato originalmente: Maggio 9, 2017

Mi piace 10 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Since the fall of Adam there were some sparks of Light that were lost and we need to recover
  • Our correction in life focuses on elevating our sparks of Light
  • Intense restriction, compassion, and true sharing elevate our Souls
  • The Zohar says that Shabbat is the source of all blessings for the rest of the days
  • Shabbat is about praying and eating
  • Singing to connect with the level of the Angels, happiness, and joy
  • Avoiding complaining on Shabbat to connect with the energy of certainty
  • Our positive actions awaken blessings in the supernal that manifest in the physical reality
  • The more we focus on the body, the less we are able to feel our Soul
  • Creating balance between nourishing our body and Soul

Descrizione della Lezione

Shabbat is a gift to connect with the perfect reality, and every time we express joy and certainty through the songs, meals and connections, we strengthen that energy in our lives and the entire world.  In this lesson, Yosef Yeshurun explains that our responsibility on Shabbat is bringing joy and happiness to our Soul, releasing all worries, and trusting that the Light is in charge, and that everything is going to be fine.

Su questo Corso

Ogni venerdì sera diamo il benvenuto allo Shabbat nella nostra vita. Spesso ci si riferisce a questo momento come alla Regina dello Shabbat o alla Sposa dello Shabbat. Questo momento rappresenta un matrimonio tra la Luce e il nostro Vaso. In questo corso, impareremo le numerose connessioni spirituali e le potenti preghiere dello Shabbat e come elevare il nostro livello di consapevolezza.

Insegnanti del Corso
