The Power of Meditation
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Dialing God

The Power of Meditation

Pubblicato: Settembre 1, 2021
Registrato originalmente: Febbraio 16, 2021

Mi piace 24 Commenti 9 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • The Light speaks to us in various ways, through people, messengers and situations, the problem is that we are not listening
  • The ego tricks and manipulates us to believe the illusion
  • It is recommended to read once a week the letter of the Ramban, page 32 of the prayer book Dialing God because it details how to achieve complete connection to the Creator, how to stay connected without falling spiritually, and how to prevent ourselves from listening to the ego
  • When we get angry, we disconnect from the Light
  • Awe of the Creator means seeing the Light in every person and situation
  • Through humility we expand our desire to connect to the Light, and prevent ourselves from believing the lies of the ego
  • Humility is recognizing that all we have, all we know, and who we are comes from the Light
  • Understanding that nothing belongs to us because we come from the Light and we return to the Light

Descrizione della Lezione

Yehuda Yeshurun teaches us three powerful meditations that can help us hear the messages from the Light. In this lesson, we learn the importance of doing mikveh, connecting with the Shema prayer, and reading the Letter of the Ramban, a 13th century kabbalist.

Su questo Corso

Prayer, as defined by kabbalistic sages, is a process through which our energy and intentions ascend to the spiritual realm. As such, it is a powerful tool for building a higher level of consciousness. Our potential is reached by continuously growing in our spirituality, for as we put in the spiritual work, we attract an array of fresh opportunities. Join us to delve deeply into kabbalistic prayers and tools such as the Ana Beko'ach, the morning blessings, the Shema, and more. Elevate your consciousness and take another step toward being the person you are meant to be.

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Commenti 9