Transforming Judgment to Mercy
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Lag Ba'Omer
Connecting to the Support of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai

Transforming Judgment to Mercy

Pubblicato: Maggio 22, 2019
Registrato originalmente: Maggio 21, 1992

Mi piace 11 Commenti Condividi

Descrizione della Lezione

In a deep reading of the Zohar section entitled "The Holy Smaller Assembly" (included in the Portion of Ha'Azinu), Rav Berg explains that Rav Shimon bar Yochai did not pass away on Lag Ba'Omer by chance, but rather chose to leave the world on a particular day in order to draw down and make available tremendous Light to sustain us through the challenging period of the Omer. The Rav goes on to decode why Rav Shimon chose the 33rd day of the Omer, detailing how the number 33 is related to a name of God that assists us in transforming judgment to mercy. With a deeper understanding of this cosmic event, we can use its Light to remove chaos from the world.

Su questo Corso

The thirty-third day of the Omer is the day when kabbalist Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar, left this physical reality. On this day we can connect with the Light that Rav Shimon revealed throughout his life and the Light of the Zohar, which embodies that light of immortality that was lost on Mount Sinai.

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