Aquarius: The Power of Change

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Aquarius: The Power of Change

Karen Berg
Janeiro 25, 2012
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This week, we enter the month of Aquarius, a month abundant with spiritual opportunities to grow and transform our lives.

Aquarius is an air sign, and as you may know, the air signs are driven by the intellect. Aquarians are straightforward individuals, with minds and aspirations connected to the bigger picture of life. Natural servants of the world, they are concerned with global issues, oftentimes so passionate in this regard that they prefer to devote their energy to large-scale humanitarian projects rather than to their own families and communities. For this reason, it can be very difficult for an Aquarius to love one person alone. Though they love togetherness, Aquarians do not like to feel constrained or limited in any way. For them, there are no boundaries; they are always open to new ideas and love to explore unknown territory.

In many ways a righteous person (in Hebrew, called a tzadik) is like an Aquarius, because for many of the righteous people, such as Moses or Jacob in the Bible, there was never peace or comfortablity at home. Why? Because their role was to go through a process that would make them channels for the world.

This month, we have the opportunity to tap into our own inner tzadik, to show up and make choices as the person we aspire to be, no matter what current challenges we are dealing with. We always have a choice to treat others with human dignity, to listen, and to share our energy in positive ways.

The challenge we face this month is to feel the person next to us. Aquarians love humanitarian pursuits, but although they will walk over the bodies to save the world, they don't always understand people. So this month, it would be wise to exercise our empathy muscle, to really feel where another person is coming from.

How do we do this in practice? Well, let¹s say someone says something to you that causes you hurt. The first step in resolving the situation is to take full responsibility for creating it in the first place. Realize that there are no coincidences and that we make our reality. Resist the urge to immediately defend or refute. Once we take responsibility in this way, we make room to feel the other person. Moreover, because we have taken ourselves out of the “victim” seat, we can now relate to the other person from a proactive place of sharing rather than from our own ego. From this place we can speak to the person where he or she is at, and actually remove any space that may exist between us. This is how we bring peace to the world through our own spiritual work.

On February 3, 2012, Neptune will be entering Pisces. The first time Neptune entered Pisces was the dawn of Christianity, and the second time was the dawn of Islam. As you can imagine, we are ushering in a time of great global awakening and change. It is a time of evolution for the world and for ourselves. It is up to us whether we move forward into positive growth or fall back on our destructive patterns.

Let¹s choose to move forward, and with each single step we can tip the cosmic scale toward positivity and Light.

Have a great and Light-filled month.


