Astrology Forecast for October 13-19, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for October 13-19, 2013

Yael Yardeni
Outubro 13, 2013
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Hi everyone! As a new week arises, let’s find out our mission and plan of attack for this week!

We are indeed, in full-blown Scorpio energy right now and this isn't the easiest energy that exists. No offense, Scorpios!

In the kabbalistic system Scorpio is a water sign, however, its internal energy is actually FIRE. Here comes the boiling water—handle with care!

As if that wasn't enough, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (the war planet) and Pluto (the planet of life and death). How peaceful can boiling water possibly be? It doesn't seem like peace should be part of that package! This week, we are all feeling very, very scorpionic indeed.

The best tool in our survival kit is to really restrict picking on people or allowing our energy to boil. Since the week starts with the moon in the tail end of Capricorn, it’s much wiser to step aside right now and try to tap into stronger instincts and intuition regarding the happenings of our lives. And of course, we need to remember that all of humankind is kind of edgy at the moment. So, we should definitely avoid judging anyone!

The kabbalists teach us a very interesting lesson about Scorpios. According to the tradition, three kinds of Scorpios exist in the world: the snake, the scorpion, and the eagle, named here in the order of their spiritual growth.

The snake is the lowliest of all, since it symbolizes the part of the sign that loves to manipulate, discover secrets about others, sneak in everywhere and try to control everyone.

The scorpion is more evolved than the snake, but it is blind. It acts on instincts for survival because of its many fears.

The best Scorpio, and the most important point this week, is the eagle. An Eagle is a bird of prey, gifted with incredible sight and a vision of the bigger picture. It proactively decides when and how it will interfere with what it sees. In kabbalistic symbolism, the eagle is an archangel that carries the force of the Central Column energy, which means absolute balance.

The message here is obvious: this week we are not to interfere unless it is absolutely clear that we should.

Another amazing point to understand: all of us have serious issues trying to figure out what needs to be compromised in our lives versus what shouldn't. It is said that the first man, Adam, was created at the new moon of Libra (Rosh Hashanah, remember?). And in a way, all of humankind takes on Libra traits, trying to decide one way or another, one decision after another.

Scorpio, the following sign, is actually renowned for its ability to sacrifice itself towards a greater cause than themselves. This week a very important question will arise in our lives: what am I willing to let go of in order to grow and transform? Scorpio symbolizes internal growth, regeneration, recreation, and reinvention. But the kabbalists teach us that it always comes at a price.

Let's take time this week to think and reflect on that really important question. We can never receive something new and bigger unless we let go of something else first. It’s the law of the universe; we need to make space for the new.

This is a very important week in our spiritual growth and we should take time for peace and reflection, perhaps to even journal on this journey to a better and more improved self.

It’s time to trust the cosmos and let go!

To be continued…

Have an amazing week everyone!


