Youth comes once in a lifetime. As E.E. Cummings said, "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." At The Kabbalah Centre, we strive to provide young adults with the tools and consciousness to navigate adulthood as conscious, loving, independent, sharing global citizens capable of pursuing their dreams.
How To Be is a new video series featuring real-time discussions on topics that are universal to all young adults. Episodes delve into topics such as stress, triggers, reactivity, friendship, and more – all discussed through the lens of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah. A panel of young adults will share personal, real-world examples of how they’ve infused kabbalistic wisdom into their daily lives to spark more joy, fulfillment, purpose, and growth.
Join us Thursdays starting next week, June 16th on YouTube for an enlightening, light-hearted series that is both relatable and profound for any young adult curious on how to expand their understanding of themselves and the world around them.
"Growing up with the wisdom of Kabbalah, I always felt ahead of the game – and I want to help other teens feel ahead of the game themselves!"
– Rachel, How To Be series panelist
How to Be: Kabbalah for Young Adults is free and available on our YouTube channel for teens to watch and share. Tune in Thursdays, starting June 16th!