Giving = Living
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Vá ainda mais fundo na sabedoria da Kabbalah com orientação personalizada e leituras de mapas.

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Nossa equipe dedicada está aqui para ajudá-lo a navegar em sua jornada espiritual.

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Leitura de Mapa Astral Kabalístico

Aprender sobre nossa alma por meio de um mapa astrológico ajuda a dar mais significado e maior compreensão às experiências que enfrentamos, às pessoas que conhecemos, ao trabalho que fazemos e às bifurcações da estrada.

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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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Giving = Living

Sarah Weston
Fevereiro 20, 2015
Curtir 4 Comentários 4 Compartilhar

The kabbalists explain that each week comes to us with a different energy. The ancient text of the Zohar interprets and unlocks the energy within each story, allowing our soul to access this energy at its highest levels to assist us in our spiritual work and transformation.

This week, we come to the portion of Terumah, literally meaning ‘contribution’. The Zohar explains: “That they bring me an offering, every man whose heart prompts him.”

How much desire to truly share do we really have? Are we honestly more fulfilled by our sharing, or receiving? Does the Creator really need anything from us? No, but the Creator exists in everything, showing us where we can share in many places in the physical world.

Most of us think we are more fulfilled by our receiving, taking and getting. We are less inclined to share, proffering a myriad of excuses as to why we’re unable to share at the moment.

As students of Kabbalah, we learn the importance of giving and sharing. We think we understand this concept, but a common thought is: I will give when I have. But if you are selfish when you are poor, why do you think being rich will make you more generous?

One of the things I’ve noticed over the years is the amount of money a person gives to charity has very little to do with what they have in the bank. It is about how open their heart is. The generosity of a person’s soul isn’t based on what’s in their bank account. If we fall into the illusion that having more money will make us more generous, it’s reactive. Nothing in the 1% is going to change the internal nature of my soul. Only I can work on changing my nature, and that is what will change what manifests in the 1% for me.

Studies show that people with a lower income actually give a greater percentage of their earnings than those with higher incomes. In fact, according to the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, people with lower incomes give almost 30% more of their earnings.

This week, Terumah is about awakening desire: Maybe today I can only give this much money, effort, time, love, but I wish my heart was open to be able to give more.

What do you feel limits your giving? Whether we think we’re wealthy and able or poor and unable is usually based upon ego. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others. Even though there are numerous comparisons on both sides of this scale, we tend to lean to comparing ourselves to people who have more than us, awakening our lack. On the other hand, if we constantly looked at those who have less than us, perhaps we would feel more inclined to give and feel more connected with our blessings. To quote Theodore Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

The ego feels full or empty based on our constant comparison to those around us.

The truth is we’re all able to help another person. Give 30 minutes of our time. Put a dollar in the charity box.

Giving is true joy; there is nothing more fulfilling. Rav Ashlag, a kabbalist who lived 100 years ago and founded The Kabbalah Centre, explains that giving is for the giver.

As Karen Berg’s daily consciousness messages are guiding all of us to do more acts of kindness, this week we have the support of the Zohar, the universe, to truly open our hearts, and give from the depth of our soul.

Through connecting to the giving nature of our soul, we create a place for the Light of the Creator to dwell within our hearts. This is how we build our own personal tabernacle to house the Light.

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