Happy Every Day

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  • *Nas localidades participantes. Haverá restrições aplicadas.
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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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Happy Every Day

Karen Berg
Maio 31, 2013
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This week, I’d like you to ask yourself this question: What is the good that I want to share with the world? Perhaps you’ve never thought about this before, or perhaps you already have the answer, in which case this is an opportunity to remind yourself of it. Remember we are all sparks of the Creator, and we all have something good—big or small—to get out there.

And when the darkness comes—and it comes to all of us—we cannot be victims. We need to hold it together and say, “OK, this is the situation. How do I get out of this situation without falling apart? The truth is that we can’t fall apart, no matter how bad things seem, because the Light never leaves us. In the darkest of days, in the rain and the thunder, the sun shines. Yes, oftentimes we don’t see it, but the sun is there. The reason we don’t see it is because we don’t have the certainty to see it in the negative.

When my husband, the Rav, and I started on our path, we said we are going to teach Kabbalah to the people, and we went out and we taught it. Many people thought we were insane. Other people wanted to destroy us. But you know what happened eventually? Lo and behold, increasing numbers of people said what we were doing wasn’t a bad thing, and now you can learn Kabbalah in basically every niche and corner of the globe. But this happened only because we said this is something that’s good and we want to get it out there.

There is always some positivity that we can share with someone else. And if we get slapped in the process, OK, but we are not victims. Sometimes life just tells us: Remember when you did that? Now you are getting it back.

When we learn to accept life under those terms we can be happy each and every day.

