It's All in the Follow Through

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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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It's All in the Follow Through

Karen Berg
Maio 23, 2017
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“Wisdom equals knowledge plus courage. You have to not only know what to do and when to do it, but you have to also be brave enough to follow through.” – Jarod Kintz

It is said of the Gemini that they are "jacks of all trades, yet masters of none." To focus is not the easiest thing for them. And so too will it be our challenge this month. It is against the Gemini’s nature to delve deep into a subject or commit themselves to one thing at a time. They love variety and change, bouncing quickly from one thing to the next. However, we know that our greatest power in life lies in our ability to go against our own nature.

Since this Gemini influence is upon all of us during the next 30 days, our spiritual goal for the month will be: Focus and follow through. Let’s each choose one area in which to make a shift, and then commit to one solid effort we can make towards that change. For instance, perhaps we decide, "I'm not going to scream" or "I'm going to spend more time with my family." The idea is to choose something that we can actually do! When we bite off more than we can chew, we often end up spitting it right back out altogether.

We all love to start new things, but the idea for this month is to focus our way to the finish line and to see something through to the end. Thankfully, we will have a lot of support from the cosmos to do so. We are coming to the end of the energetically heavy time period known as the Omer and at the same time arriving at that most wondrous of holy days, Shavuot, wherein we can receive an infusion of positivity that will help us greatly.

Oh, and one more thing. What can also help us this month, is to understand that every action we do creates energy. The time between our actions, whether negative or positive, and their effects, is getting shorter and shorter. There is less space between cause and effect. We're at a moment in time when people are beginning to understand that what is happening in the world is not the world's responsibility, but our own. Every time we commit to being better today than we were the day before – those moments where we say to ourselves, “Yes, I did that yesterday, but I’m not going to do it today,” – it’s as if we are lighting another candle for the benefit of all. Our internal work is not separate from the good of the whole.

As we commit to that one positive change this month and God willing follow through on it, we are indeed helping to make the world a better place.

Wishing you all a wonderful month,
