Michael Berg Consciousness for Lag ba'Omer
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Vá ainda mais fundo na sabedoria da Kabbalah com orientação personalizada e leituras de mapas.

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Aprender sobre nossa alma por meio de um mapa astrológico ajuda a dar mais significado e maior compreensão às experiências que enfrentamos, às pessoas que conhecemos, ao trabalho que fazemos e às bifurcações da estrada.

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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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Michael Berg Consciousness for Lag ba'Omer

Kabbalah Centre
Maio 24, 2024
Curtir 27 Comentários 2 Compartilhar

During Lag ba'Omer, as we connect to the Zohar and the Light of its author Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, we have the unique opportunity to reinvigorate our appreciation for this spiritual tool and join together to spread it far and wide. At The Kabbalah Centre, it is integral to our mission to make this divine knowledge accessible all over the world.

Watch as Michael shares the inspiring consciousness available in this time of heightened connection to the Zohar and the ways in which we can all assist in its dissemination to as many people as possible this year.


Michael references the powerful consciousness available to us in renewing our connection to the day that birthed the Zohar—as well as the deep wisdom of the Kabbalist and Kabbalah Centre founder Rav Ashlag, which is to ask yourself, “Beyond my study and connection to the Zohar, is there anything I can do to assist in its dissemination to others?”


Here Are 3 Ways You Can Support Bringing The Light of the Zohar to the World:

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Donate to One Million Zohars: The Rav Berg Zohar Project

Support our ambitious goal of sharing 1 Million Pinchas Zohars this year.

Contribute Now

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Support The New Zohar App 2.0

Help to release new features and updates so that a wider audience can gain access to the Zohar.

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Sponsor Global Zohar Day of Unity

Subsidize the sharing of Pinchas Zohars so our Global Zohar Day of Unity volunteers on June 2nd can find the best homes for each one they share.

Sponsor Now

You can participate by handing out Zohars with your local Centre community or individually!


Please contact your local Centre or personal teacher for more information.


If you don’t live near a local Centre, we invite you to order a Zohar Project ‘Share 10’ or ‘Share 50’ bundle and join us in unity on Sunday, June 2nd by handing out Zohars among your family, friends, colleagues, and community. Whomever you choose to share the Zohar with, do so with love in your heart and the unified support of our global community.


Order a bundle of 10

Apply to order bundle of 50

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If you know someone who could benefit from the protection and healing energy of the Zohar, consider sharing one with them. Our friends and family can help us activate loving consciousness that reverberates throughout the world.

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